Monday 31 October 2011

The skip of Chaos, Dorian Gray, Trick or Treaters and the Spanish Inquisition

The house is not nice a present it usually resembles The Museum of Stuff (despite the pics where it looked well posh) only it now looks like The skip of Chaos and not all the stuff is even in the house anymore. Mr Beelzebub is looking after the pictures, and the house is a bit strange with bare walls, normally there are a least a hundred pictures on the wall.

Mr Beelzebub is not a great fan of our artwork, he says he likes Hieronymus Bosch paintings, and he has a really nice picture of that Dorian Gray bloke. I am not sure about that one; that Dorian Gray always looks a bit poorly to me.

Heavy Harry the Cat has been trying to sun bath under the desk lamp today but got just a little too close, so was smouldering a bit and smelt horrible, he is a stubborn cat so refused to move until he realized he might be on fire. I think I may rename him Charcoal. He is grumpy at the best of times, but is very grumpy how.

Dad was clearing The Void, the area above our living room where things go and sort of vanish, it is great to have, The Void until someone else buys it and it becomes theirs, then all the stuff in The Void can’t be avoided any longer (HA HAH Hah ahh haahh ahah hahah). There are some cool spiders webs in there, but what really annoyed dad is the mice had sneaked in and eaten a hole in the side of the big plastic tub of mouse poison and eaten it all, the entire lot. Well that is just not right is it, they had left everything else alone but that’s not the point. Mice can be very greedy and dad now knows who left the note on the breakfast table last week saying YUM THANKS ………….. Hang on we feel a bit poorly now, maybe it was the red wine…….. I am sure there is some old saying about never mix grape and Grain so maybe it’s true……….

We are not doing a grand Halloween tale tonight, lets face it Dorian Gray is not looking too good, the house is in a state of shock, so not looking too good, Heavy Harry the Cat’s fur is smoking a bit so he is not looking too good. And the mice are a bit dead so not looking too good either.  Sooty the Cat is off his food too, we think he has just got the transition point where he has been a wild stray and thinks FOOD EAT to becoming a pampered domestic fat and thinks OOO NO I Want FRESH chicken, nicely chopped up with a little gravy, and maybe a few of those nice biscuits, followed by some cream and a sardine.  Actually on investigation it may be that Sooty the Cat could be poorly, so off he goes to the vet in the morning to find out, he is turning into a very expensive cat.

We did have one lot of early trick or treaters who dad said looked like the Spanish Inquisition only they said ……. No we are English.  Mum did mutter something in the background but no one heard what it was.  

1 comment:

  1. A test as the great Anon because the laptop said No to me stupid Laptop
