Sunday 3 March 2013

The A to Z Challenge . . . . APRIL 2013 . . . . A Promotional Advert

An ADVERT for the A to Z Challenge 2013

Yes sorry this is a promotional advert for a blogfest called the A to Z Challenge which starts on the 1st April with ‘A’ and then continues through the month until it reaches ‘Z’ when everyone cheers and says PHEW  . . . . What made me enter that? . . . . . . O my GOD. I can say that because I did it last year and it is not something I did by halves as I’m an all or nothing sort of eccentric child of cyberspace.

But you do not have to go for overkill like me and if you are worried about posting everyday for a month then write as much as possible in advance and keep it as simple as you can cope with, it is not a competition after all but a way to meet other bloggers and a chance to profile your own blog to others. Last years started with only a few short of 2000 blogs and with about a month to go the list is just under 1000 so it is a big blogging event and is also well organized and run.

A to Z Challenge [2013]

So lets take A for example one approach would be as follows

Yes the apple is a fruit that grows on trees (I think), it might be green or red or green and red or even a sort of yellowish green. They are often used to make pies and are useful to hide drugs in that make princesses sleep for a very long time or until some interfering prince comes along and ruins things.

Or in a sneak exclusive preview of what I have written for the letter A based on my theme for this year of fairy-tales  (you will end up reading it again on the 1st April), and I must warn you I cant type or spell.  

The Slightly eccentric A to Z blogging adventure of unknown and rather unpopular Modern fairy tales

A  King Alfonso the Architect and Princess Alice

A long long time ago in the Albanian artisan town of Alexandria the aristocracy applauded the albino king, King Alfonso the Architect whose alluring arches were applied to all his amphitheatres and aqueducts with great approval. King Alfonso’s Aunt Annabel had an attractive daughter called Princess Alice who was rather aloof and who had the aristocracy wrapped around her finger. King Alfonso the Architect announced one afternoon in August that who ever could turn Aluminium into Gold using the astonishing powers of alchemy could marry Princess Alice. Alice abruptly argued aloud at one and all about such arrangements, and said that it was appalling and did not appeal at all. But once the king announces an announcement it is announced.

The Abyssinian Association of advanced alchemist’s interest was aroused by the announcement and the allure of absolute power was appealing. And as we all know the Abyssinian Automatic alabaster android of Abyssinia is an aficionado of the art of alchemy. King Alfonso the ARCHITECT had absolutely no advanced knowledge of the Abyssinian Association of advanced alchemist’s and had not anticipated the arrival of Albert the Abyssinian Automatic alabaster android at all.  Princess Alice was aghast and again argued aggressively about it to the Archbishop, but it was accepted by the Archbishop that the king’s word was absolute so if the Alabaster android made gold from aluminium then marriage it was.

 Albert the Abyssinian Automatic alabaster android smiled and rubbed acids and acorns on the aluminium ingot plus the arm of an armadillo and an anchovy from the Atlantic, said abracadabra, ate an apple and ping, bright shiny gold appeared. Princess Alice said AAAAAAAuuuuuuuucgghhhh and found herself walking down the aisle towards the archbishop. And before you could say Rumblestilskin was on her honeymoon in the Alps.

As it appens (sorry happens) Albert the Abyssinian Automatic alabaster android was a nice android and Albert and Alice lived appily (sorry happily) ever after .

So there you have it, if I am mad enough to do it we are all mad enough to do it after all it is only 26 letters or was it 27? 

(two posts in one day is getting silly) 

A to Z Challenge [2013]


  1. Ooooooo yes I forgot to say you get Sundays off so that makes it much easier HAH HAHAHH HAh ah hah hah ah hah hah ahhah hah ah hahhah hahahha

  2. I am having very serious doubts about the challenge this year. Very serious doubts indeed. :)

    1. I was rather surprised that you entered Miss Lily, it can get a bit stressful. Which s why I am trying to work ahead of time a bit and of course I am a daily blogger so that helps. But I think I have a plan that might work for you based on the apple principle above so if I get a chance I will email a brief A to Z cunning plan to you.

  3. I'm not taking part this year because I think I causes several other Bloggers to have seizures, however I shall be watching to see what you come up. Good luck Rob.

    1. To tell the truth Mr Addman I think us RATs don't think like the masses and I can totally understand why you are not doing it again. As I said to Miss Lily above I was surprised she entered, it does appeal to a certain type of blogger and I think we do not quite fit the mould. Talking of mould I must go and clean my shoes.

  4. Marrying a princess is reaLLy a two part deal. You have to figure out how to marry them, then after that you have to figure out how to merry them.

    1. Mr ESB you have used the word Merry I have a feeling my draft for M does not have Merry in it . . . . I must investigate and create a Merry Mealy of Molasses DAMN I have not used Molasses either or Molluscs in fact there are Masses of M words, the world is going MAD or at least my Mind is. . . . .

  5. Loved the sneak peek, can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve :)

    1. I really need to be organised to do this this year, it is almost a double theme and it not easy so pre writing things is the only option, particularly bearing in mind my spelling and typing being as bad as they are.

  6. A W E S O M E! Great plug for the challenge, and what an awesome first entry. You have a gift, Rob. Keep crafting it.
    I'm sending this link to Lee so that you can be included in the next round-up of promoters.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Well that would be very kind of you, remember I do blog everyday so if you want to use this post you will need to use the link for the actual post.

      I did think maybe a little peek at what I plan to do this year might intrigue a few bloggers or maybe just confuse them . . . And it probably is a bit overkill but it is the only way I would enjoy (?) doing the A to Z. At least I am not doing it twice like last year.

  7. Hi Rob,

    Pleased to meet you. And delighted to note you're practising for the alphabet challenge. I also know that you will be involved in the spirit of positive interaction in a sharing, caring blogging community. Sadly, I've seen a number of bloggers who just do this challenge to self-promote and gain 'followers'.

    Now then, I would never get involved. Ironically, my satirical, bordering on cynical postings about it, have increased awareness of the A to Z. I do it with good natured banter.

    Seriously, enjoy the experience and happy writing.

    Gary :)

    1. I am glad you called by I have read your blog a few times and have enjoyed what I read. I am aware of your satirical and cynical views about the A to Z and I sort of have them myself but I enjoy the extra challenge (I think)of doing it. And overall more good comes out of it than bad and follower numbers only matter if they interact with you; I am lucky to have a small group of followers who comment from very regularly to occasionally which I appreciate a great deal, making it all worth while, well that and all the cash from Coca Cola for the advertising . . . . . . . . . AH DAMN I knew something was missing from the blog.

    2. Oooooo yes thanks for following.

    3. Indeed and I also know that the number of "followers", I hate that word, is not necessarily an indicator of a blog's popularity. I have been to sites with over a 1000 um followers and no comments. That tells me something.

      Like you, I have a group of folks who kindly interact with me. I'm most grateful for that.

      Be well and gosh, no problem linking into your site. I must go now and leave one of those comments such as, "Great posting!" "Thanks for sharing!" "Me follow your blog!"

      Seriously, have fun with the alphabet challenge.


    4. Thank you Mr G I don't think I could cope with 1000 plus followers and if they all commented that would be scary.

      As for the A to Z challenge I will do my bit to add a little fun to it.

  8. Great post. My goodness, so much to do ...
    Silvia (from A to Z Challenge).

    1. Yes indeed lots to do and no time to do it. Still I muddled by last year and think I'll make it OK again; after all I can always cheat and write the answers on my arm before I enter the exam room. Oooo no sorry that is something else.

  9. Thanks for that promotional advert. I'll link to it at the A to Z Blog post of March 19th.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. That is very kind indeed of you. If nothing else folk will realize that being able to type and spell are not important because I suspect I will be the worst A to Z participant on both counts.....

  10. Hi there! *waving* This is awesome stuff!
    As a fast reader, the above was a conflicting mental and visual challenge, in which the brain and the eyes went into overdrive as one attempted to outdo the other, trying to make sense of the fairy tale! *he! he!*

    I'm attempting a similar (less elaborate) "alliterative-styled alphabetical greeting" (for lack of a better explanation...) at the beginning of each post next month.
    Nice to meet you Rob Z!

    1. Thank you for commenting it is nice to see people taking the time to visit, I must go and thank the A to Z team for the link.

      Good luck with your posts I am working well ahead of time this year as it did get a bit stressful towards the end last year thinking things up on the day.....

  11. I posted a comment... but it disappeared.
    Just checking to confirm that it was eaten by spammer.

    1. You are OK it is just that I post every day and comments on posts over tens days old need me to OK them. . . . .I may go and turn that off for a while

  12. What an amazing sneak peek! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for the challenge!


    1. Some letters will be good, some letters will be bad, some letters will be long and some letters will be short. Such is the way of life when you are running about doing loads of things. However I hope all will amuse people a bit and that is why I do this....

  13. I'm amused, and am now anticipating an abundance of atypical posts from you. Saw the link at A-Z and while I won't be as prepared as you, I am looking forward to some fun with words.

    1. I did last years mainly on the day but it was very hard work even though I post everyday, so I decided that I would make it much easier for myself by pre-writing most of my posts. The good thing about this is I get to visit more blogs.

      And many thanks for calling by, good luck too with the trip to Z
