Sunday 9 October 2011

The Monty Cardboard Robot Club and Robo Santa

There is a bit of a question about the reality of reality and whether cardboard and art and the rather obscure Monty Cardboard Robot Club or even the world famous Napoleon Beelzebub's Very Strange Victorian Curiosity Shop are real ........... SHOCK HORROR. 

So to alleviate such worries I have found a couple of pictures of previous cardboard things we have made in the past. including last years Christmas window with little Norwegian Bruce and the cardboard Norwegian Spruce which ironically took ages to make and is quite a simple shape too.   

Robo Santa also Known as Santa Claws and his mate the Robot from Village People

The Christmas window 2010

the Easter Bunny 

The Easter Bunny in the window

The Cultural Olympian 

a sculpture made for the cultural Olympics 

Olympic Art (close Up)

It maybe this is not really art but we have loads of fun, a bit like my diary really, it is a diary but is it? 


  1. WOW! Those could definitely be classed as art! They're amazing!

    As for the award, you don't have to do anything with it. It comes with the condition that you tell the readers 3 things about yourself and then nominate 7 other blogs that you 'dig'.

    You do not have to follow the rules.I just used it to show appreciation for a few of the blogs I enjoy reading.

  2. And no, you don't get chocolate with it.
