Sunday 14 April 2013

A fairy tale and the the Death of you know who

My diary entry as a fairy tale  . . . . . The news of a certain death

A long long time ago back in the days of the Roman Empire there was a small country called Britainium, it was a strange little country split in two by a huge wall, one side of the wall was called the Right and the other the Left. Just occasionally someone would stand on the wall in the middle but everyone would throw rocks at them and laughed.

Britainium had always been controlled by the Right because they were wealthy and had the Bankors and the famed Financial Wizards to keep the armies of the Left suppressed. But the Left found a hero called Athurious Scargilious who with his fanatical army of Minors laid siege to the grand castle of the Rights power house. The Right was frightened and for a while did not know what to do, but then they found a new champion  called Maggium Thatchosismad who lead her army of Financial Wizards and Bankors into a terrible blood thirsty battle against the brave (by mad)  Athurious Scargilious and his Minors, the battle raged for many many months but at the end of it most of the Minors were dead or wounded and Athurious Scargilious was a broken man and would never lead his troups to victory ever again.

Some thought that Maggium Thatchosismad should give the Left an olive branch to heal the wounds and unite Britainium, but Maggium Thatchosismad turned the olive branch into a crown as worn by the Roman leaders and declared herself Emperor of Britainium. She then gave more power to the Bankors and the Wizards of Finance, and crushed the Left in order to destroy it for ever.  But she became even more power mad and would crush decent even from her followers on the Right so a plot was hatched and one day as she was playing a fiddle on the steps of the grand parliament a group of Senators ran up and stabbed Maggium Thatchosismad in the back.

 Maggium Thatchosismad was confused and distraught, her dynasty that she thought would last a thousand years was over in a mere handful. She retired into obscurity and a new leader was elected called, I Major or I Claudius as his friends called him. The Wizards and Bankors rubbed their hands and bathed in the gold and wealth of Britainium until one day it all went horribly wrong and the Bankers had to say . . . . . . . . . AH DAMN; still I have always got my ceremonial golden hand, that’s worth a few pounds. . . .PHEW.

Then Maggium Thatchosismad died and the Right all said What a Great Leader, best we have ever had, forgetting that they had stabbed her in the first place, and the Left celebrated with bacon butty’s and threw the last lump of coal in Britainium at the grave of Maggium Thatchosismad.

Oooooo I failed my history exam at school by the way apparently due to technical inaccuracies, it appears the dinosaurs did not become extinct as a result of a alien battle fleet........ DAMN.    



  1. Some day, all children in Britainium, will learn of Maggie Thatcher The Milk Snatcher (I shall never forgive her for getting rid of our little bottles of dairy goodness) Through the historical writings of Rob Z Tobor. Long may he reign. :)

    1. Hello Miss Lily I was in two minds whether to record this event in my diary, it is a day off from the fairy tales so I am sort of on catch up with the world. Then I thought I would write of this news in the mode of the theme of the A to Z, to keep the mood light, so to speak.

      I thought I was very good and stayed fairly neutral bearing in mind everything. She was of course a well loved character of many Americans and I'm not sure that they realize that her destruction as a political force was by her own party.....

      Anyway I am safer ground tomorrow with the letter M, although I have to apologize to Master Lil man as no one dies in M . . . . . . sorry about that.

    2. Oooooooo would Master Lil man like to be a member of RATs

    3. Have you noticed I am working on the defused gap theory Miss Lily because the dog has told me never talk politics or religion or bananas. OK I lied about that last one, I hate bananas, the work of the devil if you ask me.

      Apparently I can talk about the weather which with the end of the school holidays and the return of the Ghost Writer to his dark cell of computers is going to possibly be sunny for a whole two days. It rained this morning and was still somewhat chilly this afternoon, typical.

      Anyway see you at M tomorrow . . . . . Be good

    4. Rob Z, the Lil man's head nearly snapped clean off his neck with furious nodding, when I asked him if he wanted to be a member of RATS. :)

    5. Think of it as a done deal.

  2. I think Margaret Thatcher should be able to R.I.P. she has not yet had her funeral. She is someone's mother, How do you think they feel.
    So she got rid of the school milk, I for one remember with horror at those daily bottles of milk either warm or freezing cold. I don't dabble in politics but I was brought up to "Never Speak Ill Of The Dead".

    1. The problem is she was one of the most divisive politicians in UK history and so even in death will always be rapped up in politics. Lots of people did gain huge amounts under her but lots of people also suffered hugely.

      I rather enjoyed my ice cold school milk but I left school long before she came to power.

      On a lighter note I seldom write of politics and write a quirky diary of my life as the eccentric child of cyberspace, well they do say as you get old so your mind gets younger (I think).

      So thanks for commenting and following.

    2. I don't dabble in politics either but having worked in some of the most deprived boroughs in London, school milk was the only source of calcium that some children ever received and the same still stands today.

      Apologies Rob Z.

    3. No Problem Miss Lily, you are a loyal and much appreciated follower of my blog. And a member of Rats and not just anyone gets at be a member as you know,I think if nothing else all this shows how polarized things got under Mrs T.

  3. I wiLL go red her Wikiedpedia article and then compare it to your blog post. Jesus was veRy fuNNy last night, I started choking cause something went down or up or oscillated sideways in the wrong pipe.

    1. I didn't realize she was a chemist like me.

    2. Hello Mr ESB I am not sure how much chemistry she actually did she was involved in politics for a long time. Even writing a fairy tale about her has its risks as she is no doubt the most controversial politic leader Britain has had in recent history. Far more so that Tony Blair I would say, and he is seen as fairly controversial by many. Still I was meanly observing as I do in my diary in the quirky way I try too.

      I am glad Jesus was happy last night, but not that he accidently tried to kill you off too...

    3. Ooo00 red Mr ESB, not really the right colour for a Maggie story.

    4. I just got finished reading about Operation Algeciras after spending time with the Faukland War article. It said she was a research chemist specializing in x-ray crystallography. The wikipedia article didn't give a good time frame of her science activities. I spent part of my career doing x-ray work, but not in crystallography. Mine was in elemental analysis using XRF. This was so long ago that the system used a PDP-11 computer. Those computers are difficult to find in a new condition.

      It was definitely one of the funnier nights I have spent at the diner. There was a group of about a half dozen people who were slightly out of my view who were singing along and adding their own concerted efforts to a famous country song, I forget the title, I wiLL have to search for it later, but it has the lines about writing the perfect country & western song, and the line I was drunk the day my momma got outta prison and I went to pick her up in the rain but she got ran over by a dang ole train. I had my fanciest meal at the diner, the fried shrimp meal, but I have it so rarely that I forgot to teLL them not to butter my toast and I didn't remember to bring along some red beLL pepper which I bring already diced up for my salad. I wiLL have to improve my planning. I did get grossed out by something on the teleBision on The Animal Planet channel and quickly changed the channel because the remote is usuaLLy nearby where I always sit. But I refused to teLL Jesus what was so gross, so he kept teasing me about that. WeLL, it is now several hours since I last ate, so I must find something after it appears my wife is not going to make chicken fajitas.


    6. Thanks for the video - then I read about him and found out he has the same birthday as one of my closest friends.

    7. I am looking forward to your N day to see if you use words that start with dn, gn, kn, and pn that have N sounds - did I miss any other silent pre-N-al letters? Now I realized that several words that start with en and in sound like you are saying N - liked enclosed. Sounds like a fuNNN letter day ...

    8. Im afraid Not Mr ESB I think it was one of the letters I struggled with, But I was pleased with the drawing for N (done last Night

  4. Hi Rob

    Don't have much clue about Thatcherism except that once upon a time in India she was perceived as a very powerful leader.

    1. Hello Neer I think many perceived her as a very powerful leader but one of the great things about the British system of government is that in reality one Prime Minister has no more power than any other. And the truth is I suspect that they are and have always been subject to the changing world events around them rather than creating the events.

      Would the Berlin wall have been knocked down if we had a different Prime Minister at the time, I think the answer is yes.

  5. that is it folks no more politics on this post or I will jump up and down and go NA NA NA NA NA
