Sunday, 25 March 2012

XANTHOCHROISM and an X (rayed) Parrot

Dad was xperimenting with Xanthic acid, Xylostein and Xanthoxylene to make X ray Specs while mum was doing Xylopyrography. The dog however kept saying this X letter is a Bxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx Nuisance……. You will have to Xcuse the use of the X but it is for the best (No it really is today).  Dad has been using Captain Flint the Parrot as a  guinea pig, and has told Us This is an X(rayed) Parrot, and both him and the dog are rolling about in Hysterixxx’s (yes yes but we need all the X’s we can get).

He will be telling us it has Xpired, become xstinct and so on in a bit

I decided to be a Xylotomist today and practice the noble art of Xylotomy. In order to work out the exact age of the big oak tree with the big X on it. According to Captain Flint the Parrot the Big X marks the spot of buried treasure, but then Captain Flint the Parrot would say that. The vet says Captain Flint the Parrot is suffering from a bit of Xanthochroism but Captain Flint said  Stupid XXXXXXXX VET, that’s Just what you might X Pecked from a Vet ………… X Pecked HAH HAHHAHh hah hah haha hah ahah haha hah haha hah hhah ha Pieces of Eight.

Well at least no one mentioned the X men and the Xylophonist ……………………….. AH I just did XXXXXX



  1. Yes its sorter than normal but this is X we are dealing with

  2. Hahahaha! Well done! You've done Xceedingly well, considering that there are only about 5 words in the English dictionary, that begin with the demon letter 'X.'


    1. Hi miss lily your comment has come up twice. But that is cyberspace for you Total XXXXXx XXXxxxx xXX xXxxxxx Rubbish.

  3. HAHAHAHA! Well done! You've done Xceedingly well, considering that there are only about 5 words in the English dictionary that begin with the demon letter 'X.'


  4. I have a hard fast rule about Guinea Pigs: When I need a Guinea Pig I always use an authentic Guinea Pig. And Guinea Pigs do make an eXcellent sandwich, although anything larger than a sandwich is usuaLLy difficult for them to manage with their tiny little limbs, and I have to open and close all the containers. But they do look cute in their chef's hats.

    1. I did a post about Guinea Pigs a long time ago. And for reasons that are too long to go into we did have loads of them once. I do agree they can look very cute in a chef's hat. Ours in the end went off to a new home and were last seen scurrying about heading in the direction of the sunset wearing White Stetsons.

    2. I just remembered X as Roman numeral ten, so that might be an interesting substitution.


      Often = OfX
      Attention = AtXtion
      Tent = Xt

    3. This is close to brilliant Mr ESB if I remember in April I might even try and us it. As someone one said "What did the Romans ever do for us".

      I don't think they had an A to Z blog jolly in mind
