Thursday 1 March 2012

The migratory routes of large flocks of aircraft following the spring Easy Jet Stream

I have harvested the next two mushrooms; I thought the idea was that there would be hundreds of them in the box because that is what is shown on the lid. But last time there was one and now we have two. What I need to know now is, is it increasing by one each time or is it doubling each time……. So will it be three of four in the next crop? Or one, which seems more likely. I think we can cope with this as long as they remain as large as plates.

The sky was full of vapour trails this morning and also tonight on my return home from you know where (or do you?) The dog says he has three theories

The first theory is, after Esmeralda’s new world record (with the schools assistance) of sending a goat up in a rocket higher than anyone else has before. Both the USA and the Russians are determined to better this. The loss of pride by these two super powers in the race to get a goat into space knowing that a dodgy school in the borders of England and Wales is within a whisker of the brink of success, has focused there minds today, and they have launched rockets on mass with goats at the controls (never a good move).

The second theory is that of Armageddon and the USA and Russia are just firing rockets at each other with nuclear goat heads (sorry war heads).

In the cases of theory one and two there is world wide concern about IRAN because as we know Iranian goats are lighter and more nimble and able to endure much higher temperatures and Iran rocket technology has seen the suspicious disappearance of several goats.

Finally theory three is. It was a large flock of aircraft returning to the northern hemisphere  after the mild winter using the spring Easy Jet Stream saving energy by using the thermals of the Ryanair. The main problem for the flocks of aircraft being the lack of food on these migratory routes.

We have asked mum about all three theories and she has said IDIOTS. But she has gone out to see a woman with embroiders gills? We think it must be the auntie of the man from the telly, The Man From Atlantis, we haven’t seen him for years but according to the dog, work just dried up HAHAH Haha hah hhahaha h hahaha haha hah hah ha hah hah hah hah hah hahah hahahaha hah hahh aha …….. …… Dad said IDIOT? 


  1. Im no mushroom expert (although i am a fun guy/ never mind) but your mushrooms could very well be multiplying using the Fibonacci sequence...

    Just a thought...

    Ooh.. fact of the day. Im allergic to mushrooms. they blister my mouth! no help to anyone but its a fact all the same.

    1. I looked that up and decided there was just toooooooo much maths. Maths room and Mushrooms do appear to have an interesting similarity in respect of letters and shape a bit like god and dog. but like the dog and god they involve different numbers of legs.

      I have never heard of an allergy to mushrooms before, I bet that ruins your traditional British fry up in the morning at breakfast.......

  2. Now they are some big mushrooms! Well done chap.

    1. Many thanks, I hope to get a few more yet (maybe)

  3. Replies
    1. you are not the only reader of my blog to think that

  4. I think we should move beyond Armegeddon, and eXplore Leg-a-getting. I am not sure watt this means, as I am currently delusional with fever.

    1. Leg-a-getting sounds rude so is therefore now banned from my blog until it is used again (the word not the leg)

    2. Oh,no! I just meant in a kind benign way, as in helping people walk again, leg transplants for cripples, especially puppies, kitties, and goatsies. So the name of my charity organization for aminals and people who walk un-steadily will be the United Sway. We will become leg-ends in the care of leg ends! By the way, we almost have our pedicure chair in place at our busy-ness, so we are improving leg ends, well, the very tips the the toes.

    3. Sorry, double the, that should have been "of the toes" on the very end of my parrotgraph.

  5. Egads! Those mushrooms look like something from out of 'The Day Of The Triffids.'

    Lucky I built that underground bunker from a few cardboard boxes, a roll of sticky back plastic and some tin foil.

    Come the day of the Mushroom invasion, won't you guys be red faced that you weren't equally prepared?!

    1. The one flaw in your great master plan Miss Lily is Mushrooms love nothing more that skulking in a dark cardboard box as this is where they started life.

      You see mushrooms and humans have more in common than you thought.
