Wednesday 7 March 2012

F but not the F word and FROMAGE FRAIS ice-cream

Another day and I have just been saying it difficult to make the daily trips of  a young eccentric  (me) to school interesting every single day; The dog says that it will all end in futility and failure. He would say that particularly as today’s guest letter is “F”.  I was a bit worried at first because mum has said I am not allowed to mention the F word. I did say what about Fish but mum said IDIOT.  I assume she is referring to the fish.

So at school after a brief discussion on architecture and “Form follows Function” to which Esmeralda did use the F word it was decided that the pupils would do one of my Famous or is it infamous film re-enactments  so for what I think is the Fird time now we did The Great Escape. During assembly while the front rows hummed Fingal's Cave by Felix Mendelssohn we put. Freddies Ferrets into the tunnels under the main hall to excavate a route to Freedom. Freddies Ferrets will do anything for some free range chicken, fish fingers, fudge and a fairy cake so it did not take long for them to finish. So as the morning assembly reached its finale most of the forth and fifth year had escaped to Freda’s Fish Bar in town to fill up with greasy fat chips, faggots and Fromage frais ice-cream.

Anyway that’s about if for F for tonight because there is still a long way to go until we get to Z and the dogs says Failure is not a word we are allowed to use ……………. …… …….. ……….. ……….. AH I used it now, (DAM sorry that’s the D word now).

At home I have painted some things white and told Sooty off for attacking a little friendly frail dog. Sooty is a wimp and only fights febble fings.  


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