Saturday, 10 March 2012

Irritating Insects and an Interrogated Icelandic Iguana in an Igloo

So “I” today; I thought I better ask mum about the letter “I” but she said IDIOT …………………Ah

OK before I get too far I must just say we went to Mr Charlie and Miss Jane’s house this morning because its Miss Jane’s birthday tomorrow so Happy Birthday Miss Jane (as it happens Miss Jane does not follow me anywhere in cyberspace because she says I am BONKERS (that’s MAD for those of you  following in international cyberspace) …..WELL COOL. Mum said IDIOT again now. We did get to sing Happy Birthday and I got to eat magnetic sausage rolls and cake…. WELL COOL again.  

Because it was Saturday and dry if not sunny, me and the dog spent the afternoon exploring the strip of wood that follows The Fabled Minor Stream of Inconsequence, it seemed an Interesting Impromptu if Improbable place to start our search for eyes (YUK) sorry I think I mean “I’s).

The dog decided that the best Idea was to play the game Eye Spy With My Little Eye something beginning with “I”. So once in the Woods, I started and the dog tried to guess

Eye spy With my Little Eye something beginning with “I”

An Ibis Investigating an Igloo

Irritated Itching Insects (a vague reference to the dogs Fleas)

The Illustrated guide to the Inca’s 

International Investigators Interrogating an Icelandic Iguana 

A Mutant Moaning Groaning Egyptian Mummy
 No …….. Hang on none of those words start with “I’s”

But it appeared that a Mutant Moaning Groaning Egyptian Mummy was walking towards us in the woods. The dog thought he would investigate while I remained inaccessible in an immense tree. As the dog introduced himself to the Mutant Moaning Groaning Egyptian Mummy it turned out he was Igor the Invisible Man from Indonesia who became Invisible while suffering an infection (influenza or inflammation of the Ilium) .  Apparently it’s traditional for the Invisible man to be covered in bandages, that’s seems rather incredible?  
Anyway the Invisible man said it is impossible to indulge in interesting conversation because everyone says WHO SAID THAT AH HAH HAHH HAH hah hahahah hahahahah ha  and he gets Iridescently Irritated Instantly.  On the way home we went to his flat, with its illuminated Indigo Interior which he called his IPAD. It was incredibly good luck meeting him today although the dog thinks he’s an Imposter, I said the dog was a bit impetuous as he was invisible and a man.

At home I ate Ice-cream (an impulsive indulgence) and mum said IDIOT 

I apologise if tonight’s diary entry is incomprehensible but I tried….. HAH HAHAHH Hah ah hah hah hah ahah hah hahh hahahah hahah . …….Mum said IDIOT again?




  1. Replies
    1. Did you guess what the 0I00I00I was?

    2. ok got it now Asce for I. am I meant to ue my brain while blogging YICKS

    3. Yes, that is what it appears to be, the ASCII value for I in binary, but I made it eXtra I-ish for you by using the letter I instead of the number 1.

    4. Dam you Professor ESB and your cunning plans of world domination. As the old saying goes "ASC and IIee will receive". ..... ...... ....

      Me with bad eye sight too I think its cheating myself

    5. I can be sneaky in binary. It is probably just a holdover remnant of my days of Long Long Ago writing machine language code for the 6502 microprocessor of my Apple II+.

    6. sneaky in binary ......WELL COOL.

  2. Cod, Dam (sorry Code) a cod dam is an entirely different story......

  3. Rob Z, I don't know how you manage it. I take my hat off and bow down before you.

    This challenge would have proved far to difficult for me to keep up with, so I applaud you.

    Cannot wait to see what you'll come up with for 'Z.'

    1. Z??????? Yo Miss Lily, Z yicks I am just about to start J and dont have a clue what to write yet. But is only 4:40pm so I will rattle something out in the next ten minutes. Then spend an hour and a half correcting the spelling and making it make sense

    2. That's my favorite part, the part where it makes scents.

  4. Hah, you remind me of Don King when he spoke of the "discouraged, dispirited, denigrated, denizens of the demimonde..." in a pre-fight press conference. Muhammad Ali's response was "Man, you crazy!".

    1. Ah yes "Sting like a butter dish float like a tree"..... A great sportsman

