Wednesday 20 April 2022

QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK ........... ..... .... Quack ....... Quack


That is the duck I will explain in a minute, but it is all a bit of a rush because the bus got stuck in a QUEUE on the way home from school. I hate QUEUES.

Shut up duck

I will explain where the duck came from.
The other day I thought it is that Q letter again soon so I will invite our friends round from the previous Q for a QUANT party in order to QUANTIFY the QUIZZICAL interest in my diary as to whether I can maintain the QUEST for QUALITY.

Having contacted QUASIMODO, The QUEEN of QATAR, Professor QUATERMASS and Don QUIXOTE in the great void of Cyberspace, I was met universally by the following response; and I QUOTE.

Ooooooo I have QUITE a lot on, I am involved with one of those government QUANGO’S (a QUASI-autonomous non-governmental organisation; if you are outside the UK) and I have just QUALIFIED for the final of a QUIZ on QUANTUM Physics and anyway I am feeling a bit QUEASY, and my QUILL is running out of ink so bye.

So I was left in a bit of a QUANDARY
Yes Yes duck I am getting there

Then at Breakfast this morning dad gave me a Steam Powered Duck and said don’t worry Rob this will help loads and the Steam powered Duck said “QUACK QUACK QUACK”. I did ask if the Steam Powered Duck said anything else but dad said “AH………. NO”. And the Duck said QUACK and mum said IDIOT, she was referring to dad and I can see her point QUACK is only one Q word

Yes a point well made Duck.

At school during our lesson on Sub Participle Physics with Professor QUIGGLY he asked the QUESTION; “What particle other than the famous Higgs Boson are they looking for at the Large Hadron Collider”. It was at this point that the Steam Powered Duck woke up and started shouting QUACK QUACK QUACK, Professor QUIGGLY said “well done it is the QUARK who said that” and every one shouted ………… DUCK.  Now in our school if someone shouts duck that is what you do and the professor did. But after the error was sorted he said “Well done  Duck I  am Professor QUIGGLY” but the Duck shouted QUACK, Professor QUIGGLY said “it is rude to call a Professor a QUACK”; to which the Steam Powered Duck said QUACK QUACK QUACK and we were banned from class. 

Anyway outside while we were waiting (me and the Duck), a man with a suitcase was passing when a policeman stopped him and asked what he had in his suitcase but before the man could answer the duck shouted QUACK. Unfortunately the policeman thought the man had said CRACK, so he said “Crack…..OK sonny down to the police station mister smart ass, a full body search for you my son”.  

We are home now and all QUIET.


Well almost QUIET……..And yes not a lot of Q’s but a lot of Quacks and so I plan to Quit while I’m ahead.



  1. Am intrigued by ur word power, how u string together q words meaningfully and make us all laugh through out the post! I wanna say

    Quack quack quack

    Sorry the duck

    Fantastic post again :)

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. I do like it when folk come back to visit. My blog can be a little odd at times and does not appeal to everyone So thanks and I hope to see you again before we all reach Z.

  2. Look how much mileage that raven got from "Nevermore." I think your duck is doing quite well indeed from only one word.
    Q is for Questions

    1. Yes the duck is a versitile beast indeed. I like ducks. I must admit I have eaten duck in the past but no longer. I live next to cows these days and they are lovely critters too. I haven't eaten beef for a very long time either so I never feel guilty chatting to them.
