Wednesday 13 April 2022

King Kong and the King of the Kelpies

The Letter K

As we all know last time I wore the King Kong outfit (yes way back in March 2012) was on the school bus which went kaput on the Kings road. But today I was able to wear it in the woods. No one Knew I was going to be there with the dog so we thought no KERFUFFLE this time around. So me and the dog and my knapsack with kipper and kittiwake sandwiches and a Kukri (OK a kitchen knife) in were exploring.

On our trip we saw a kingfisher, Kookaburra and a few Kestrels, a kitten and a Knight of the round table who said he was on a quest to Kill The King of the Kelpies. He also asked why I was dressed as the Big Foot; I told him “I’m not the Big Foot I’m KING KONG” before he went on his way. Then we met a midget who only came up the height of my Knees, He said “I’m the King of the Kelpies, and why are you dressed as a Big Foot” and I told him “I’m not the Big Foot I’m KING KONG” and told him of the knight who was out to kill him. So he said “it must be Kismet that our paths had crossed”.  He summoned one of his Kinsmen on a large Klaxon who said “why are you dressed as a Big Foot” and I said “I’m not the Big Foot I’m KING KONG”. 

They then dug a big hole and covered it in Kelp and Kardboard (OK yes yes, but I’m under stress) and the King of the kelpies in his Kitsch Kaftans Koat and Knickerbockers, sat in a seat and started to eat Kumquats and kebabs covered in ketchup and waited……….

After a bit the Knight of the round table returned and said “I have come to kill the King of the Kelpies and why are you still dressed as a Big Foot”   and I said “I’m not the Big Foot I’m KING KONG don’t you listen and there is a big hole covered in kelp in front of you”. But he didn’t listen and fell into the hole and was KNOCKED out.

At which point the King of the Kelpies turned into a huge dragon and ate the Knight of the round table; that was not nice and I said “that was not nice” and he said “And what is a Big foot going to do about it then”. And I said “I am not a big Foot I am King Kong and for getting that wrong I am setting the dog on you”. The dragon (the King of the Kelpies) laughed but the dog ate the dragon, and then me and the dog went home and the dog said Ooooooooo I fancy a Chinese for tea now”……………. Kool 



  1. I sympathize with your frustration about the Bigfoot confusion, but really, it's an easy mistake to make, especially since King Arthur and the Kelpies probably have never seen the film.
    K is for Knowledge

    1. A Bigfoot on the Big Screen . . . . . . Very Monty Python.
