Thursday 28 April 2022

Do you suffer from XENODOCHEIONOLOGY.........

 AH yes we have reached X on the great A to Z jolly (or not so Jolly) and there are times when you think DAM why have I done it like this; but I have. So I asked the dog “Do you remember what we did in the practice run” and he said “ Well it’s your own Bxxxxxxy Yxxxxxx xxx Sxxxxh Fxxxxin Idxxxxxxxious Xxxxx Fault for trying to be a XXXXXXX total smart xxxxxxx xxxx x. So I not xxxxxx helping” ………. AH, I think he said something similar last time.

Since then however, dad has built a XYSTUS (covered walkway for exercises) in the garden for the dog, paid for with XU (former monetary unit of Vietnam) and even hired an XYSTARCH (ancient Greek officer in charge of gymnastic exercises). But the dog attacked him with a XYSTON (short pike used by Greek heavy cavalry), the dog has a reputation to maintain and can not be said to be XENODOCHIAL (Hospitable to Strangers) although he does suffer from XENODOCHEIONOLOGY (the love of hotels), so do I as it happens as long as they are posh ones.

In School the wood work teacher said he would help (wood help HAH HHAHAH HAH hahhahha h) and had us learning XESTURGY (the process of polishing) after first doing a bit of XYLOGLYPHY (wood carving). The woodwork teach also told us he has spent many a happy hour studying XYOLOGY ( the study of Wood), buying some lovely bits of wood from his local XYLOPOLIST; and showed us his prized XYLOMETER (instrument measuring specific gravity of wood).

Esmeralda is not happy as it is raining STILL, what has happened to the British weather this month . She was moaning to the headmaster about it but he said she should remember that us humans are XEROPHILOUS  (unable to survive drought) and need rain. But Esmeralda said she was a lover of XEROTHERMIC (dry and hot) weather and hit him with her umbrella. 

Dasypus bellus Armadillo

Back at home after school dad had made a steam powered XENURINE (species of armadillo) which he had scurrying up and down the XYSTUS and mum is making XIPHIAS (swordfish)Pie for tea YUM, and it is still raining.


  1. there any alphabet which can block u ...i am just surprised to learn so many x words..thanks for giving some meanings in xercising is such a fun school..wood ...Esmeralda and armadillo breed. Ur musings amuse me :)
    ..good to hav found u through challenge... Good luck

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. Thank you for visiting again . . . . . folk dont generally do that. I will pop over and leave a comment on your blog, but not today as it is very late and I was painting the outside of the house most of today so need to rest.

  2. Well, you must have used just about every X in the dictionary! Well done!
