Tuesday 15 July 2014

The F Word. The Devil and a Moorhen

Well its over and we will not mention the F Word again . . . . . NO not that F Word, but the Football F Word. Now look I have mentioned it again and it is entirely the fault of you lot, but that is it once and for all (Well until next time).

So what happened today. . . . . . . I played football. . . . .HAH AH HA HA HA HAH HA hah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha hah ah a hah ah ah ah ahha hah ah ha haha hahah ah ah ah ah aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . OK only kidding. No I woke up this morning to the voice of Radio Four and the Today programme; sometimes it is full of interesting snippets of information and news and sometimes it is not.  They waffled through the latest government reshuffle and the news that the folk of Gaza and Israel hate one another loads, well the powers at the top do; plus and the problems of loads of us getting old rather than dying just before we get to retire.

They then suddenly announced that the Church of England is doing away with the Devil, apparently he will no longer exist and we will just have evil instead. I am not entirely sure what it is connected with, but my old mate Napoleon Beelzebub (the Devil) will be well annoyed, you just cant go round saying he does not exist its not fair. After all he does not go round making folk be evil he just sort of smiles and prods them loads with pointy sticks when they turn up at the door in the afterlife.  As he says folk always say . . . . it was the devil he made me do it. . . . But they are lying he merely ensures they don’t have fun in the afterlife, and would argue that some folk would see him as very useful. There are some folk in the world who are simply bad and Mr Beelzebub ensures that they spent eternity NOT having a good time. OK he has nicked all the good music but that’s not his fault, God has always been a bit more Val Doonican than Ozzy Osbourne . . . .

Anyway as a sort of sign that I am entirely right when I got up and sat and ate my breakfast a Moorhen walked past the window and half an hour later I saw a Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth. . . . . . . You can’t argue with that Church of England people, I think you need to give us back my old mate the devil (Napoleon Beelzebub).    


  1. How can you do away with the devil? He's a classic character who brings a lot of life to the series.

    1. I will certainly insist he is included in the making of the film of the blog when it is made. The very nice Mr Spielberg will find him a great asset.

  2. The word DEVIL is LIVED backwards. If the devil lived backwards then he must have not yet been born? Or is he just like that Benjamin Button fella and gets younger as he ages? It's all far too confusing and people should learn to leave things as they are.
    If I have learnt one thing in life (which I have not) its not to mess with things.

    1. You know I never noticed that before . . . Devil. .. Lived. . . .

      I too never mess with things although I sometimes tinker with stuff. . . . I have a feeling Tinker with Stuff may be a rather British sort of way of saying mess with things, and folk elsewhere will not understand the difference between the two. I can see why the rest of the world sort of hates us a bit due to such misunderstandings.
