Saturday, 13 April 2019

The 2019 A to Z Challenge . . . Letter L


Since I started this Alphabetical Extravaganza of Plans I have not found a Plan yet where I have thought . . . . . Well that was interesting. Not until right now and the grand and truly factual Plan L or to be exact the L-Plan Castle typically built in the 13th to the 17th century. It meant you had a view of the main gate to the castle, so improving your ability to defend it. This may seem like a small fact, but I have to point out it is probably the first true fact about a Plan on this A to Z journey and could yet also be the last . . . Who can tell.

And in case you are wondering . . . . What is that flapping noise???

It’s a Laysan duck. . . . . .HAH HA HAHHAHa haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha h ha hah ah hah a

Not a Seagull. . . . .

A Sunny Day on the Patio

The cat on the patio


  1. Lion

    I was trying to see which L word would be the first one to pop into my brain, but my brain has a bit of a head ache so I am not sure which of those three words it was because the video signal was messed up and there was static with the audio.

    1. L O Mr ESB . . . HAHAHAHHAHAH aha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah ah h ah ha hahh h hhhaahahahaaaaaahahah haha

      My brain has been like that for years. My wife now just assumes I will think or do odd things at random moments or speak gibberish when folk least expect it. I think its a byproduct of getting older.

  2. i think trying an a to z but doing it with random letters in between the a and z would be fun.

    1. I did contemplate actually doing numbers so A would be one; all the way to Z at twenty seven-ish. But I didn't however next year who can tell. Doing it randomly would work well and would also be slightly rebellious which is always good.

    2. I next thought after 'random' was Enigma - to have an Enigma machine simulator pick them, which means you could get duplicates of some letters and omit some!

    3. I think that might get confusing and would create an Enigma. .

  3. Sometimes plans go afowl


    1. OOOOooooo clever a Duck joke . . . I like that thanks.

  4. First true fact on a plan...hopefully NOT the last. ;)

    DB McNicol, author
    Microfiction: Lemonade Stand

    1. Actually no there will be at least one more true fact possibly even more although not too many and I may use the facts slightly out of context . . . as a chap is inclined to do when he is old and mad.

  5. I love your patio. We're just now getting sun in our days. Maybe not all day, but it's there. Birds are singing and I'm blogging. Life is good. Happy A to Z!

    1. Thank you it is an oasis in the centre of a rather wild and overgrown garden, but the wildlife rather enjoys the chaos of overgrown weeds and shrubs so we are happy to leave them in peace.
