Monday 13 April 2020

An A to Z Coronavirus observational guide. . . K


Keep Calm and being Kind

If there is one thing folk should try and do as the world tries to battle with Covid-19 it is Keep Calm. Sure we could panic and run about in circles while waving our hands in the air. Or as many have done rush to the supermarket and buy stuff. Although buying huge piles of fresh food which you then throw out two weeks later is not logical. Sadly that has been happening; not only is it a waste of food but also a waste of money, and not the actions of someone trying to keep calm.  I do have a major advantage over many as I live in a rural location with a large garden so the present Lockdown here in Britain does not feel like I’m in prison (I have not been in prison by the way as I’m an honest nice chap).

One further important thing to consider is Kindness. Now it may not actually mean you are at less risk of getting Cocid-19, although if we were all kinder to each other and respected each other’s space and needs it would help. The main thing though will be after all this is done and dusted and a degree of normal life returns. We can then all reflect on what we did and how we interacted with those around us. If you find the spare bedroom is still half full of toilet rolls, beans and pasta because you were determined to beat that little old lady or nurse to the items, then you are probably not going to think well of yourself. And those that know you will probably think you’re just not nice, but may well not say that, but will avoid you at parties a bit more.

I have been making Bread


  1. Your bread looks good! Yes, kindness is needed now ;)

    1. Bread is one thing I can make well, although I am rather limited on the types of bread. I did make flat breads the other day and they worked out rather well.

      Kindness is good. I can't get my head round those who are targeting the weak and vulnerable at present to rip them off and steal from them. What kind of people do things like that.

  2. On the other hand, running around in circles with your hands in the air might be good exercise, which is hard to get when we can't be out and about so much! ;)
    Amen on the kindness. But crises always seem to bring out the most in people - the kind ones are kinder, and the cruel ones are crueler.
    Black and White (Words and Pictures)

    1. I have to agree about the kind being kinder and the cruel being crueler . . . . . I do puzzle how some people can treat others and wonder if their actions ever come back to haunt them in their old age . . . I do hope so.
