Friday 12 April 2019

The 2019 A to Z Challenge . . . Letter K


We have reached that point in the A to Z where the mind sort of wanders off (well mine does) and we think OOOOoooooo What’s that up there. . . . . It’s a Seagull (Not a Duck). So when I say OK Plan K my first thought is Pirates Har Har Har. Yes Pirates make folk walk the PlanK. And Anyway Pirates fit well into the life of both Seagulls and Ducks; although probably Seagulls more so than Ducks. The thought of Long John Silver fighting off Ducks on the Bridge of the Hispaniola while Captain Flint his Parrot Shouts ‘Pieces of Eight . . . Quack Quack Quack’ somehow seems wrong.

So there you have it I have been entirely distracted by those Pesky Ducks again. I’ll never make it to the Letter Z at the rate although I do have one skill that I think might help. . . The ability to write reams of total Rubbish. After all I have reached Z many times before so I feel confident . . .  sort of . . . . Maybe?

A Picture I produced for a friend. Of a rather well know Building


  1. But what about Jonathan Livingston Seagull? ;)

    DB McNicol, author
    Microfiction: Kimono

    1. I'm not sure that Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Captain Flint the Parrot would have got on that well. Captain Flint would have had him walk the Plank I suspect.

  2. Talk about stream of consciousness writing! That was hilarious! Found you from Gail Baugniet's blog where you commented. Happy A to Z!

    1. I do tend to write my A to Zs like this and probably the entire blog in truth. I'm not sure though it is good or bad, but it is fun. . .
