Thursday, 15 August 2013

Bones, X Rays and Robots

This morning dad said I needed an X ray as it was very important to establish whether or not I had bones inside me, I did tell him I did but he said I would say that and he wanted evidence.  You see last night he insisted that I had a fight with Robo-Rob in a struggle to the death battle of wits (I sort of got that wrong last night). He even had a bet with the Ghost Writer, who said I was bound to win as I had a pointy stick even if the Robo-Rob had a devastating laser death ray; as I am even more slippery than a charmed greased pig with nine lives.

As it happened luck was on my side as the devastating laser death ray used rather a lot of power, and Robo-Rob spent just a bit too long showing off by zapping my collection of pointy sticks but ran out of power completely leaving just the one. . . . . . . So no contest really. Dad blames it on the Nano-technology electronic cyberbrain he has designed to replace politicians, as politicians do like to show off and run out of steam before they actually do anything. So he plans to redesign these Robots to be more robot like. Anyway he reckoned just to be on the safe side he needed to ensure the Robo-Rob was not being sneaky (well these Nano-politican electronics can’t be trusted) and that I was me…….   

On returning home from my X ray reassured that I am full of bones, I decided to celebrate by putting drainage pipes in a deep hole and poking them with a pointy stick (I need to make some more now). And that was about it for the day….. 


  1. That pointy stick sure is getting a lot of use lately. I'm glad that Robo-Rob didn't destroy them all. Otherwise you wouldn't have a point. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Man's first ever tool was a pointy stick and it was, and is one of the best. Man without a point (y stick) is just another beast in the wild....

  2. I just had an xray done, didn't work out so well for me.

    1. I hope you are better soon. I do known how you feel.

  3. How do we know Robo-Rob didn't win, he could just be pretending to be you. You are Robo-Rob aren't you? I can see right through you...kind of like that x-ray.

    1. I really think I am me Miss Laura as I cant find the high powered laser button which is a shame it could have been very useful. I don't think Robo-Rob was impressed by the pointy stick, however it does not need batteries.....

  4. I just realized how close Bora Bora was to A Robo Rob. There are just so many ways of looking inside things and people now, that X-Rays seem old fashioned.

    CT - Computed Tomography - works better on Thomas types, especiaLLy those named Ted
    EEG - Electroencephalography
    EKG - Electrocardiography - what? No K in the word!
    Endoscopy (and the rarely encountered Beginoscopy)
    Fluoroscopy - to look for gold (oro) that you might have accidentally swallowed while having the flu while vacationing in Spain. The gold in Spain is rarely swallowed without pain.
    MEG - Magnetoencephalography - rarely performed on the moon
    MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imagery
    PET - Positron Emission Tomography - not to be confused with Negative Mission Impossibilitron TomCGraphy, which is the measure of movie critics response to certain Tom Cruise movies
    SA - Say Ahhh - What a doctor does to look at your throat
    Thermography - use heat to look at meat in me
    Ultrasound - yeLLing reaLLy loudly at unborn babies til it hertz

    TK - Of course there is the veRy old way of looking inside caLLed "The Knife"

    1. Well Mr ESB that is the most scientific comment anyone has ever made on the blog of a mad bloke writing total rubbish day after day. I am very impressed and am contemplating a post based on this (that's if I remember in the next day or two).

      My brain is not what is was or my joints which secretly explains the X ray but best not to tell folk I am in fact partly faulty....

    2. Now I am curious about your fine word rubbish. My thought just now was, "I wonder if it is ever vulcanized?"

    3. Is that, as in turned into a Star Trek person from a particular planet where Mr Spock was born. . . . .

  5. America really could use to have our politicians brains replaced. Is your Dad selling them?
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. I think America and most other countries need replacement politicians, however those with the power to do this are the politicians. So I think there might be a problem.....
