Monday, 13 May 2013

Pizza, Marmite Fudge a Blue Sugar Mouse and newts

I have had a long day doing IT stuff with the Ghost Writer, normally that is his area of expertise but he needed someone to use as a human guinea pig to conduct IT experiments on and the only person anyone could think of, who it was felt was expendable was me. Apparently a life in the twilight of reality and cyberspace means I can poke about into a PC and prod RAM and stuff and go oooo no that bit of code does not fit between the bed and the wardrobe and it clashes with the red curtains. It appears this is not how normal IT conversations go between IT folk, but then we are not normal IT folk, well the Ghost Writer certainly is not for a start off he hates computers and says they are the devils work.  He often makes the point that people think by using computers in their office they will use less paper, but the reality is you use more because you can generate more things to print much faster but very often get it wrong at least once.

After a long day of doing IT not only was the Ghost Writer totally spaced out as he is every weak, but so was I. But on my return home and after some pizza and marmite fudge and a blue sugar mouse, I spent the evening doing African drumming with my drumming colleague who is making a pond at present and was wondering if we could sell him some black market crested  newts out of our pond in a sort of nudge nudge wink wink say no more sort of way. Well you know what newts are like, a right bunch of prima donnas.

So there you have it I am late tonight and it is all the ghost Writers fault (again), I bet Steven Spielberg does not have problems with Ghost Writers and computers, and fitting computer code into a  Victorian alcove with an old guilt mirror and flying ducks hanging on the floral wallpaper hand printed in china in 1924.

Sorry it is all a bit of a rush tonight and very late and my brain hurts...... PHEW


  1. Aww poor Ghost Writer, it seems as though he's had a very long and tiring day. No wonder he's always grumpy.

    Must not let Spawn see that picture. It's bad enough that he wants a Badger, Ferret, Shrew, Lemming and a Salamander, I don't need him breaking into people's ponds to obtain a newt. It is cute though. :)

    1. A shrew are you sure; tell him they are not good pets, yes small but with really complex food demands best left to run wild in the jungle, well every thing is a jungle to a shrew.

      I think running off with other peoples Newts might be seen as a major crime due to the protected nature classification, although as far as I can tell round this part of the world there are newts everywhere.

      And a Badger is not a great move as a pet either, they might look nice and I am all in favour of letting them scurry about as they should, but the truth is they are not nice critters and would not think twice about eating Master Lil man with a nice glass of wine and a few runner beans.

  2. You need to be careful that your newts don't breed and overrun your pond. You should consider getting them newtered. Aaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhah...hahahahahahahahaha

    1. Very clever Mr Addman, and a nice mad laugh at the end there although I am more a HAH HAH HAH HAH AH Hahahah hah ah ha hh h hahhah ahh hah hahh h aha ha man myself, but you NEWT that.....

      HAH HAH HAHAH HAH HAH HAH AH HAH HA HAHHAh aah hah ha hah ha

  3. Most enjoyable to read.....I am even later reading this.


    1. It was a very long day yesterday, posting everyday does sometimes have its down side. So I was very tired last night.

  4. I snuck off for a while and have come back to find you posting about newts! I'd have returned sooner if I'd known (or, I'd have known if I'd returned sooner, either way, I've forgotten what I was going to write...)

    So um...hello!

    1. Hello, nice to see you back I noticed had snuck off for a while.

      We have loads of newts, they are lovely critters particularly deep fried in a crispy batter . . . . . . HAH HAHAH HHAHH AHAHH HAH AH HAHAH HAHHAH HAH Ha hah ah ah ah hah aha ha haha h aha ha haha ha hah ha ha ha ha
