Sunday, 12 May 2013

Never discuss Politics and Religion on Sunday

There are things they say that should never be discussed such as politics and religion, but as you know I do sometimes discuss politics although not very often. However I am sure I have not discussed religion in my diary yet, well not until now (OK I might have I can’t remember), you see this morning we were asked to nip across the road to the village hall to say farewell to the Bishop (he is retiring), not something we would normally do as I don’t know the Bishop.

Living in a small village though means we all have to do our bit so we went to have tea and biscuits with the Bishop and several other vicars and the like, to tell the truth I didn’t know who most of them were and as it turned out none of them knew who I was. And we all drank tea and ate biscuits and complained about the weather, it appears even a Bishop can’t change the weather. I did say that dad can change the weather but unfortunately most of the time it goes wrong because of the intervention of cats causing agro in the works of the weather machine.  One of the vicars said that may explain the small print at the bottom of the church insurance policy which had a disclaimer saying certain things may be regarded as an act of cats….

Anyway I was telling the Bishop that one of the drawbacks of modern religion is that there are only a few Gods left and the result is war and violence as each religion condemns other religions as blasphemous, and the solution was to employ the early Roman idea of having loads of Gods for all sorts of things and adopting everyone else’s gods as well. So our little village could have our own Gods to help with various local issues as can all the other villages and towns. The result of this would be an end to religious wars because there would be so many different Gods that the best army anyone could muster for a holy war would be Bert and Jim from the local pub and maybe Jim’s sheep dog.  It seems very logic to me but the Bishop did not seem entirely convinced, so I was unable to get him to approve of Zombus the God of Zombie Defence Ditches and Soakaways  which was a shame and will mean I need to go down a deep hole again soon . . . . . . .DAMN.

God moves in mysterious ways it appears, much like our soakaway.

Oooooooo Miss I and Mr S came to visit today and I can now say Mr S likes Madras Fudge and Miss I does not, this may turn into a man thing like Bangers and Mash with loads of Fried Onions.  


  1. After doing the A to Z challenge on Greek Mythology, I've decided to worship the Greek gods. They're very interesting, and there are so many I can pick and choose which ones to worship most :)

    1. I don't know what the official name would be for a person who worships Greek Gods, I am sure there must still be the odd person who does. I guess you will have to put Church of GG on your next census form.

  2. I like the old ways of worshiping many Gods. They had a God for everything, battles, knives, volcanoes, gin. Times were so much simpler then...apart from the diseases...religious persecution...poverty...lack of hygiene...multiple people using the same poo stick to wipe their...okay I think I'll end it there...:)

    1. Yes I am starting to think having a different God for everything may have some merit what with all that possible amazing diversity and getting folk back showing interest in a bit of spirituality (not gin Miss Lily)

      And as someone once said :-

      Apart from the diseases...religious persecution...poverty...lack of hygiene...multiple people using the same poo stick . . . . What did the Roman ever do for us.

      Its a funny old world?

    2. Hahaha! That's exactly my point. What did they ever do for us...*opens history book* Ohh...

  3. The drawback I can see to this is it's hard enough keeping up with one God, let alone multiple ones. Unless you're just making it up as you go along, in which case you just improvise on what you're not sure of and hope the current god doesn't get offended and demand a ritual sacrifice--but then, this could be a way of getting rid of your neighbor's annoying pet.

    1. Well OK the neighbours animals are rather noisy and I am sure a goose could be a great sacrifice to the great God of tomato plants and greenhouses.

      Making it up as I go along, ME the thought never entered my head......

  4. Rob, I think you should start a new website called "God Watch". You could update it with all the latest news on gods and stuff, because keeping track of all these gods is going to be hard work. Perhaps you could have a God Of The Day section where you tell us who the god of forks is, for example. It'd be educational, so maybe the government or the church will give you some money for it.

    1. Ooooo it is tempting Mr Addman I can see a great blogging opportunity and a whole new multiple God based religion with many a tee shirt or ceramic figurines to sell to the punters.

      And god of the day sounds good

  5. Mmmm ... fried onions. You can teLL that onions are such good things because they have two uses of the positive word "on" in it.

    I think that maybe the bishop can control the whether but not the weather. I try to be careful about people who have shop in the job title.

    The cake I made for Mother's Day, oh and the gumbo too, turned out eXceLLent. So now I need to make a cake for Jesus for his birthday. I did bake him a loaf of bread for his birthday, but the owner of the diner hinted that she would like some more of my cake. And then a few minutes later she brings out an ice cream cake. It is after hours so it is just me and the diner help eating cake. As I am showing the owner several pictures from the website Maddie On Things, I accidentaLLy get a bunch of frosting on my iPad protector. It is cloth, so now it is stained green and orange along one edge. I wiLL see about finding you the link to Maddie.

    1. Phew Mr ESB I am well done in today it has been a long hard day of doing things so I am rather delayed in responding here, but I made it. I plan to have a very quick peek at the web link and them stagger off to bed.

      Good night I will be back tomorrow, I have more time tomorrow.
