Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Important unknown facts about rain and a faulty weather machine

It has returned to winter again and it is not the weather machine at fault either because it has a fault and is not working. It seems that the rotten weather is entirely natural today in fact dad insists that today is normal and that unless he fixes the weather machine and turns it on again then this weather will last for at least another few weeks or maybe longer. Well that is extremely bad news. I don’t mind the wet so much but when it is wet and cold it is very hard to remain motivated, and bouncy. 

It appears even Esmeralda and the school goat have started to be effected by the weather now as they tried to use the steam powered catapult to enter the local botanical greenhouse gardens through the open skylight. Bearing in mind that the sky lights are temperature controlled, so on a day like today were well and truly closed.

They are both OK though because as everyone knows Esmeralda is bionic so most of her is mechanical and fairly robust and those bits of her that are real are also fairly robust. And the goat of course is a goat and as we all know goats are fairly indestructible beasts, well certainly in cyberspace they are.

Apparently if you laid every rain drop that fell in a year end to end they would stretch round the Earth  1293 times and weight more that the entire weight of every bath in the world which if laid end to end  would take a long time to fill up unless you could get the rain to only fall in baths but the water would be very cold on days like today so no one would use baths and have showers instead, which is a bit like standing in the rain only warmer (no one likes a cold shower).

The Maths teacher has worked out that the surface area of all the rain in the air at any one time in the world is at least five times the surface area of the earth. Although he has had to assume the earth has a perfectly flat surface with no bump, hills or grains of sand or waves at sea and the like. If you take into account every surface at a molecular level then the surface of the Earth is greater than that of the universe, assuming the universe is smooth.

I might go now and hide from the rain in the bath, if I lie end to end in the bath my feet stick out the top but no rain can fall on me.


  1. I never thought I'd say this but oh how I've missed Esmeralda. The goat? Well that goes without saying.

    That picture you drew is a bit like one of those magic pictures, where if you look closely, you see different things. I'm sure I can make out a pair of eyes looking out, just above the bathtub...but then I've just taken my sleeping medicine, so It's more than likely that I'm just hallucinating. The Elephant in the pink tutu and a feather boa, sitting in the corner of my bedroom, said hi. :)

    1. There are eyes in the picture Miss Lily I have added a few to one or two pictures of late. And say Hi to the elephant, is she/he the famous Elephant in the Room of which people speak, I don't have one of those.

      Ooooooo I have just seen some sun sneaking out from a cloud. All thise weather is not good for my creativity I need sun and heat and ice cream, not ice.

  2. Aha Rob,

    Now that you've got me thinking about the weather and marvelling at your drawing, I've decided that from now on I shall stand in my rain barrel and bathe in the rotting leaves. Welcome to the British weather where the summer is the slightly warmer part of the British winter.

    1. I think you should reconsider standing in the rain barrel. it will only make you feel worse. Try a nice chilled fresh fruit juice in the sun next to the swimming pool.

      I am not convinced that slightly warmer is correct at present. I may go and make a small rain god (Soakius to the skin God) and offer it kippers.

  3. I hope the weather machine gets fixed then! Don't want another rain filled summer like last year.

    1. No indeed I don't think my mind would deal with that very well. To shout the old rebel chant of summer from the past

      What do we want.
      More SUN.
      When do we want it.

      If my memory serves me correctly (unlikely) that old chant didn't work last time.

  4. Hai admin i came across this website interesting facts about rains

    is there really frog rains, fish rains, lucust rains ???

    1. I think the answer is yes, even horses have been known to have rains.

    2. OMG Horses such huge creatures....! is there any papers about these stories..

    3. I think you need to understand the nature of the this blog as it is a diary of an eccentric child, so sadly I am not aware of any papers on this subject as it probably does not happen that often.
