Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Rotation biased management in the working environment and the life story of a chicken

I have spent the day doing practical things such as drilling holes with a drill screwing screws in with a screw driver and sawing stuff to the right size, when I say the right size I really mean it is righter than it was before I attacked it with a saw but it is not exactly accurate. You see accurate is an abstract concept, as different things need a different degree of accuracy and I in general try to stick with things where I can go OOOOOOooooo that’s about right, after a wave of a finger and making a few Guesstimates with a pencil. Do you know that in nearly half a millions words of writing my diary that is the first time I have used the word Guesstimate (OK twice now).

While doing all this stuff with Esmeralda and Freddie and his ferret and various other pupils from our posh (well the facade at the front is posh) Academy (school to us normal chaps),   I noticed that most folk are right handed and a small percentage such as myself left handed, but I also noticed something else a result of using power tools with long cables, there is another factor it appears we are also either clockwise biased or anticlockwise biased. If two clockwise biased people use the same power tool the power cable will get all twisted up which is dead annoying but if an anticlockwise person works with a clockwise person the cable will not get twisted because there is no overall rotation of the tool or the cable. So the perfect working relationship for doing DIY would be left and a right handed people, who are also clockwise and anticlockwise biased. I think this discovery is highly important to the workplace; and my observation of rotation biased management in the working environment should win me a Nobel Prize for sure, well it better or someone will not be happy.

One small thing has come to mind over the 500,000 words or so I have so far written in my diary, I am not including comments and my responses to comments that would be just scary, is I have used loads of different words.  You see yet another one used tonight (Guesstimate) and I have used loads over time, much more than that William Shakespeare chap who surprisingly used fewer than most people suspect,  and he made a few up. I believe it is said he used 31 and a half words in total and wrote a total of just under 900,000  in total, so I have used loads more words than he did and done it all in just one diary…..   

If anyone is wondering why the picture is of the chicken tonight he has also written his whole life story in 31 and a half words……. When asked how he felt about his publication he said . . . . . . . He was just a self of his former shell . . . . . . HAH HAHAHHAH HAHAHH Hah hah ah hahah hahah ah hahah ha hah ahhaha hah ha hah ah ahhah hahah ha hah ah hah ha hah ahahah a  


  1. What makes it so special is that you used guesstimate and guesstimates. I guess the word guestimate might be a completely different meaning. I think it would be a contraction for the activity of guessing how many guests were going to show up for an event. As a part owner of two hair salons, I must say that the chicken's hair is most interesting. We are off to the vineyard .... Hahahahaha, self of a former shell, then I thought, "self off from some farmer's shelf (i.e. chicken coop)"

    1. I like it that "two and one half" is four words and "five" is twice as much and one fourth at the same time. Well, I am stuck waiting on the person at the groc store who is s'pposed to return my cake pan. They paged her but no answer. I am hoping for no alien ab duck shun. Well, I must leave soon. Time to file a Missing Leslie Report.

    2. I have not looked at my post in this way before.

      The chicken was having a bad hare day and after running away from the hare was looking a little shambolic another good word to add to the list.

      It is presently raining here but I will be off shortly to eat good food and natter to folk.

  2. So would you say based on your recently proven clockwise and anticlockwise compatibility, that the theory of opposites attracting is better than the birds of a feather theory?

    1. I think this seems logical and it might explain why racing pigeons fly round and round in circles for ages to get their bearings; something also often observed in humans....

  3. Last night, I came, I saw, I read and then the laptop promptly disconnected itself. Now I've forgotten what my original comment was. Pity, because it was mind-blowing in the extreme and probably one of the most intelligent and witty comments that I've ever written. Oh well. :)

    1. I know that what you would have said would have been brilliant parody of life the universe and stuff Miss Lily. Taking wit to its razor sharp best, but laptops are to put it bluntly spoil sports bent on ruining a writers life of fame and fortune.

  4. I for one think that observation should certainly get you a Nobel Prize, it's simply genius.

    1. Thank you Miss Laura you are a wise, intelligent and hard working young lady who I know would not lie to me.... So you are very kind, I will go and buy a suit just in case.....
