Back in April I did that A to Z
thing that many folk who blog do, and I did it in my normal jolly way then at the
end of doing it and returning to the daily routine of writing daily in my daily diary I did say that I would do a informal no stress return from Z
to A. All at my own pace and as and when I was in the mood. So today I have decided that thanks to Mr
Jones the Alien watcher combined with a remarkably quiet day (again); today
will be the first day of the return journey . . . . Z, this does not mean
tomorrow is Y because this is a slow chilled decline to A based entirely on my
First I must say I did have a
cracking meal last night it was brill……… So well done all at Big Bill’s Greasy
Fur Ball Café. The best food in the world……….
OK The Rob Z Tobor one man
accessional informal Z to A.
As we all know
Mr Jones is a avid Alien Watcher stalking the woods at night in the nude come
rain or shine; Ah OK it does not shine much in the woods at night, but you get
the point. Anyway this morning he was very excited as he has found a gold disk
in the woods with a picture of an alien on it and messages. It is all in an
alien language (well it would be) but dad has cobbled together a Steam Powered
Thermal extracting translation machine
so we are now able to piece together what the aliens are saying.
Apparently speed is now of the essence as Mr Jones and the man on the News at
Radio Four on the BBC are saying that there appear to be a large number of
spacecraft landing in Britain mainly in the Home Counties (that’s were all the
yuppies live by the way if you are not from Britain)
So this is the
message on the gold disk
ZZaf Zafafho Zjafhojh….Zxx Z
ZSkh zprpu zpiup zuiuiur zJJAo zzzafsiafisa zHH
zOHEihe zh zzzhjkdhojahah zahdjhdadhz
zjh EAT zakjakfjlf zlkafjajf zljafkafl zgotoi zpfkajkjkjj zkj Pork Piez
zsffjslkjflkfsdfk zk zzzzzlksfjlseisdi zjlsfk zjslkj zkjslfjslk zjlskjflkjfewiu
zjksjlk zjk zlskfjlks zkjfskjfi zp ziph zpuspufu zj zkj z zkkj zkj jellied Brains z zklsflkjslkjl
zlkjkllksfiofuiu Roast legs YUM zapfsjfkj Zumtonian zkjkljlksjflflksjl
zkjlkjiuiuiu z zkjslkflskfjlk zjlkjfljsl zipwp9ew9zrwiuzskjflkj zksjflk zjkjslkj zk Starters zfjfkjfslkj zru
zkjfslf kjlskj zlkjflskj zpsfjk zlksjlksfjlk zlkjsuiur zlksjfl kjlkjsflkj
zlkjflkjsflkjiutiuil zksflkfsjl zkslfsksirsd zlk zlzksflhsiosdirfh zljkshfljhfs
zosursdosh zjhhj zsjh zjhfjh zakjhj
zhdka zk Monkeys zlskjl zkJI zEIAOI zOAEl
zljdhjhdjh zljdhj zhjhdjhuu zuhahauhfuhuh zhafuhfauh Zumtonia zouhaouhfuhfo
zozo zo oz zozo ozo ozo zo zo zo zo ozo ozoo ozo ozo zo ozozozo
zHOJHJH zjhkjhafkjhajhfkjh ziufhuhf
zhkjfhkjhfkj zhakjfhkjfahj zh Pointy Teeth zdajfkjalkj zjafllk
zjaflkjafljfalkjlkj zk Sweet Chilli Sauce
zpajd zjafjajfiajijaf zjaofijaojfoj zojafojfaoo zajfojoafjjo ZO
OZOZO OZOo zoOZO OZOZOOZO ZO OZO zo oz oo zozozo zo zo oz ozo zo zo oz oozoz
ozo zo oz ozozozo ozo ZAH ZDAMN Zasdhasdlha
Zaskdjalkd Z aldhaldhd. ZOZ OZOZO ozo zo zo ozo zo o z
ZZZZ Za . . . .
. Z Z Ztop
And after hours
of hard work here is what they say after all they will be knocking on folks
doors shortly or even as I type……
people of Earth or as we like to call you, Dinner….. We are the Zumtonians.
Hello People of planet earth I guess you are a
little surprised by our visit to you planet after all it has been a very long
time since we were last here, back then several million years ago your
ancestors were all covered in hair and quite frankly ruined what should have
been excellent fresh Pork pies, but I must say the jellied Brains were lovely.
We must have made an impact back then because you talk of Zombies eating Brains
to this day, but get it right we are Zumtonians. Even the Roast leg was a
little ruined because the Pork scratching was too hairy. Anyway we are back and it’s a long journey
and so as they say in the Movies . . . . . TAKE ME TO MY STARTER (SORRY I MEAN YOUR LEADER), its any easy
error I’m dead hungry I have hardly had a bite since leaving Zumtonia, I could
eat a Norse HAH HAHAHHAHAHH HAH HAH HA Hahh ah hahha hah ah hah ah hah ahh aha
h ah hhah aha ha Ha HA
Don’t let the pointy teeth put you off we are very
nice really and have brought you gifts, like these large jars a Chilli Sauce
which we though you would love to roll about in as a sort of marinade Oooo…. no
sorry I mean a skin tonic product HAH HAHAHHAH Hahh ah ha hah hahhahahah hahhah
ha ha ha. Right I think I’ll go and eat some commuters in a pie AH DAMN no I
mean I will go and meet some commuters as they pass by, I love a nice Whine
with my dinner HAH HAHAHH HAHHAH HAHHAH HAHAHH HAHH HAhha hah ah hah ah hah ah
aha h ah ahahh aha ha hah ah ha hahh Ha ha ha ha.
Your’s Mr Z Z
Well best not
answer the door for a bit then I guess. . . . . . . PHEW
This is called a BLOG-FEAST HAH HAHHAh hahah ah hahhaha ha hah ahha hah ahahhah aa