Thursday 16 August 2012

The hair cut, the multinational and the electricity feed in tariff.

   Today has been a funny day it started nice enough but sort of ended up really grey and just very autumn like. I have been feeling a bit tired today too; apparently this is due to nano-vampires from the woods (according to the dog).  Although I think it may be due to the fact I had my hair cut today and like that Samson bloke it has rather sucked the strength out of me. It is not something I do very often; having hair cuts as I prefer to be a scruffy bloke and it is much harder to be scruffy with neat hair.

Today was also the day of the solar panel reading ritual where dad gloats as he works out how much the big multinational power company has to pay us. He demanded a goose that lays golden eggs and six magic beans last time, because he said it would just cause the system to overload. He did get his goose that lays golden eggs and six magic beans in the end, but multinationals are not good at wrapping things up so the goose had eaten the beans but was squashed when the postman tried to squeeze him through the letter box.    

As I mentioned yesterday we have a ghost post man posting ghost post but maybe we don’t, maybe we have a ghost posted goose that lays golden eggs that has eaten six magic beans.  You see this is what happens when free enterprise gets involved in matters of magic and high finance, and trying to get multinationals like electricity companies and postal services to take responsibility for a squashed goose who once laid golden eggs is far from easy. Sending dad an old retired battery hen  as compensation did not go down well (nice omelettes though).  Mum is insisting that this time round we have money, apparently not  gold pieces of eight from the Mortzestus as dad has suggested but just regular pounds, and not bones as the dog has suggested.

I might go now and see if I can superglue my hair back on. By the way the letter box is going clatter, clatter clatter again........

I always liked this band 


  1. I love solar panel reading. We were given a wireless box which sits in the kitchen and is pressed at random times during the day to see just how many pennies are coming our way. .... Just checked and its at £7.10 for today! wowzers. thats better than getting 2 numbers on the Euro lottery.
    As for your hair, I feel your pain.
    Before Me and Mrs H got together I used to have the most amazing long wavy hair that rested on my shoulders like a lion or a aging rock star. didnt have it cut for over 18 months and only got it chopped off when I began to suffer sun stroke in Norway of all places. (not and easy place to ask for a hair cut when you dont speak the language and the girl with the scissors wont stop giggling at you)

    1. Yes those Solar panels are rather good things... You obviously made it onto the high rate tariff too before someone thought about it and realized that there was a complete blunder made along the way, and they were giving everyone too much money....

      Your hair sounded WELL COOL Mr H, and getting a hair cut in Norway is very dodgy lets face it no one talks Norwegian except Norwegians.

    2. we were quite lucky. and we got a free upgrade to some sort of super dooper extra sun soaking solar panel 2000XXX. but as luck would have it, its bloomin' cloudy today so i'm not expecting much today.

    3. All we need is that extra sun now, and we will be able to buy ice cream....

  2. Pieces of eight from a ghost ship, clattering letterboxes, plus i'm listening to some Gregorian Chant as I type this, which makes it all the more eerily spooky.

    I think you'd better call GHOSTBUSTERS!

    *I love me a bit of Gregorian chanting...why does that sound so wrong when I type it?

    1. Well I would not have put you down as a Gregorian chanting person, it just does to show that you just cant tell, who lies behind in the dark shadows of a blog....

      Although I can imagine Atticus liking a bit of Gregorian chanting

  3. In the time period around 1992 to 2000 I would get my hair cut once a year at the beginning of the summertime. After this time period my wife became a cosmetologist and she said I had to stop doing this annual snip.

    1. At first I thought Mrs ESB is a follower of the great Carl Sagan WOW. But that is not what you meant although I am sure she might well give Mr Sagan the odd knowing nod while maybe looking slightly disapprovingly at his hair...

      I am assuming that you now have your hair cut more than once a year, rather than it has not been cut since 2000....
