Tuesday 7 August 2012

Olympic Gold and men in sheds. A truly great legacy of the Olympic Games

It has been a quiet day again here, so I am not saying much… I think my brain is still a bit frazzled from the bug and I was trying to paint behind a radiator with my patent curved brush.  I notice the Olympic British team has now got the most medals it has had in over one hundred years, but I have also noticed that most of them involve things. When I say things I mean something like a bike or a boat or a horse (that includes the fake horse) or a ball or a gun or so on.  So I think in future Britain should only do sport where an object of some sort is involved, I even noticed the other night that a comment was made that the wheels on the Olympic bikes may not have been used since the last Olympics. 

It may therefore that our athletes may not necessarily be the best but our things are. In other words our record numbers of medals are the result of geeky men in sheds at the bottom of their gardens. So with luck men and young children all over the country will be encouraged to tinker with stuff in sheds for hours on end………. A truly great legacy of the Olympic Games, I for one will be spending many hours tinkering with stuff in a shed now hoping for Olympic Gold for my things as they are used by someone to do something.



  1. I am vvorking on the vvords, "Oh, limb picks", trying to vvork them into something useful or abuse-ful. I vvonder vvhat percentage of Oh limb pick events involve things?

    1. I think quite a lot of Olympic events involve things. In fact it would be interesting to have an Olympics with no things, just a group of competitors in an empty field who are told just to get on with it and compete.

    2. Do you know this one? Pete and Repeat were walking across a bridge. Pete fell of, so who was left? Repeat. Pete and Repeat were walking across a bridge, Pete fell off, so who was left? Repeat!!! Pete and Repeat were ..... Hahahahahaha - there are a few other words that lend them selves nicely to this riddle form, such as Cycle and Recycle. I think it would be easy to make a Cycle Recycle Olympic joke .....

    3. I have not heard that before Mr ESB But I willuse what is left of my Brain to think of an Olympic recurring riddle

  2. We'll soon find out just how good we are at beating people up today too! 5 medals but which colour?

    1. You are indeed correct, I am never quite sure about beating people up as a sport. But better a sport than an occasional pastime in the January sales...
