Saturday, 2 April 2016

Poetry for the letter B

Bears are big and broody beasts
Who wear bright pink
Hob nail boots?
Tap dancing
As they like to do
On top of grand pianos
To the sound of Irish flutes

Maybe that's a bit short
Maybe that's a bit long
Maybe its not very good
Well we will have to wait and see



  1. Arrgh! You're not showing up in my Reader again Mr Z! I'm a bit miffed that I've missed your posts. Like you, I decided to do the challenge at the last minute...well, at 12 am this morning, although I probably won't see it through to the end.

    Good luck with the challenge and may the force be with you.

    1. Well me old Cock Sparrow, love a duck and all that sort of stuff the old apple and stairs on the back of me neck are turning on old Jim Hawkwinds grave dont you know. Shiver me timbers and chew a budgerigar with a nudge and a wink and a tinkle on the old ivories of the old Joanna. Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rum.

    2. You wont get this sort of stuff anywhere else in the A to Z

  2. Visiting from A to Z... love me a bit of gibberish. Will be back for a bit of a snort and giggle over the next month so don't get too serious on me

    1. I seldom get serious on this blog and this is unlikely to occur during the A to Z.

  3. This made me smile. This is my first year doing A-Z. So much fun!

    1. I hope you enjoy your A to Z and good luck.

  4. I see you are doing the B to Y with the optional A and Z.

    Speaking of the word 'to', I came across a spot in the road today that had large TO on the road at an intersection. There used to be a STOP painted there but the vehicle tires traveling over primarily the S and P had caused them to be obliterated into the asphalt. I s'ppose if someone got a ticket for running the STOP sign, they could claim they had performed the TO action, which probably isn't yet well defined in the state of Texas.

    1. All roads lead to somewhere so this is a way of reminding folk they are going to ?.

    2. To-wards my ward.

      I like how the B poem ended with may-'BE'

    3. I have lost track of how many years its been that I have not done AtoZ.

      The TO on my road may have been AtoZ

    4. I almost did not do the A to Z this year. It is a funny thing indeed as in a bit odd. If you are not near the top of the list of participants you can end up with fewer visitors by doing it than by not doing it which is odd. But then I do like a little challenge and it sort of makes me think a bit differently for April.

    5. I think it is a good thing to challenge ourselves mentally. I bought my second Raspberry Pi along with some other things to go with it. I will have one machine to develop on and another for deploying.

    6. You are a clever man Mr ESB and certainly set yourself some serious challenges. I think I will stick with the easy ones, I might make it harder by tying my shoe laces together though.

  5. Be aware of bare Bears.
    That's what my ol' Granpappy used to say.

    He was a bit unwell at the time. The medication made him say all sorts of strange things.

    Good luck with the A to Z Rob!
