Monday, 17 April 2017

O is for an Osprey and an Ocelot

As you all know 2013 was the year of the fairytale, I mean everyone loves fairy tales. However writing 26 all new fairytales is not as easy as you think, well not as easy as I thought and by the letter O they were getting a bit odd. OK yes Odd is a very subjective thing I mean one mans odd is another man's normal, but I'm a normal sort of chap so I think I can use the word odd if I want too and anyway they are now fairytales so YA SUCKS BOO.  Ok I may be drifting away from the entire point if there is one which I suspect there is not so best just to let you have a read of my story

The Slightly eccentric A to Z blogging adventure
 of unknown and rather unpopular 
Modern fairy tales

O    An Osprey and an Ocelot

  An OSPREY and an OCELOT were OBSERVING the OCEAN near OSLO one OCTOBER day, it was an ORDINARY day slightly OVERCAST with the OCCASIONAL glimpse of the sun (an ORANGE ORB in the sky).

The OCELOT said to the OSPREY   . . .
Was that an OCTOPUS eating an OWL in the OCEAN?

And the OSPREY said
In my opinion they were dancing to the sound of The OSLO OCARINA ORCHESTRAL Ensemble and an OBOE

They continued to OBSERVE the OCEAN then after a while the OCELOT said to the OSPREY
Was that an OLIVE Flounder OVERTLY OGLING an OTTER?

And the OSPREY said
I think they are engaged in ORIENTEERING

So they continued to OBSERVE the OCEAN and after a while the OCELOT said to the OSPREY  
Was that an ORBICULAR batfish opening an OCTAGONAL box?

An the OSPREY said
I think he is ON an OUTING to the grand OPENING of an OUZO bar.

Then a large OGRE came and ORDERED a ONION and OLIVE sandwich
But the OSPREY and the OCELOT said they did not serve sandwiches
The OGRE then said OOOOOOOOOH I better eat you then
And the OSPREY and the OCELOT ran away
Leaving the OGRE OBSERVING the OCEAN near OSLO one OCTOBER day

The OGRE then said to an ONLOOKER
Was that an OCTOPUS eating an OWL in the OCEAN?

And the ONLOOKER said
In my OPINION they were dancing to the sound of The OSLO OCARINA ORCHESTRAL Ensemble and an OBOE

But the OGRE jumped up and chased the ONLOOKER OFF into the distance
And all was quiet except for the gently sound of The

The End

Oooooooo a link 


  1. I love the oboe. It has the most beautiful and unique sound when played by someone who knows what they are doing.

    1. However if played by me that double reed thing can wail like a Banshee.

      You're still turning up that is jolly good. You do realise this blog is a bit mad even on a good day.

  2. Oh, okay... or was it in fact really the ornery octopus overtly overgorging on that old owl on the open ocean... wait. Osprey can't run.
    Donna Smith
    Mainely Write

    1. O is an Odd letter

      Thanks for passing by . . Folk keep coming back here it's a worry It involves being nice and I'm not good at that. . . DAMN

    2. I've enrolled... sorry, you will have to stay nice. It's only "written nice" though. That's easier than "real nice"!

  3. What a word smith you are! Amazed the use of O's!
    Anagha From Team MocktailMommies
    Collage Of Life

    1. Ah I feel that is not entirely true all you need to do is make the story as odd as possible and you can sneak all sorts of words in. . .

  4. Outstanding is a better word for Odd. Just Observing, like the Osprey and Ocelot, but Of course you can use whichever better fits the Occasion... :)


    1. thanks yet again . . . folk are being very nice. . .

  5. An Ogre with Obnoxious breath!

    Love this story. I'm going to have to catch up on the first 14.

    1. Obnoxious . . . DAMN I never thought of that one and a rather good O word it is too.

  6. How fun! Wish I'd found you 15 letters ago!
