Tuesday 22 October 2013

Hospitals, Waiting and the Famous Writers Loop Syndrome

It has been a long day of waiting and some travelling for various reasons that would take a long time to explain and which would not help the script of the blockbuster movie that everyone is hoping that the very nice Mr Steven Spielberg is going to make once enough folk have signed the partition and jabbed at him a with pointy sticks. . . .  The Eccentric Diary of Rob Z Tobor (The return of the curse). I have added the return of the curse because I have reason to believe that when my man phones his man, his man turns to Mr S and says it’s the return of the curse again…..  I don’t mind if he wants to call it that but it would make more sense to have a quick read of the half a million words or there abouts already written. And it is a lot chirpier than that Harry Potter bloke who got right moody as time passed, ungrateful chap that he is. There he is in all these films and what does he do whinge a lot, some folk are just plain grumpy even when fame and fortune is staring them square in the eye. That’s one those saying again, fame is not square and does not stare at people.

Sorry I got side tracked as I do, as I said the day involved travelling and waiting at hospitals, two of them as it happens. The first was the hospital with the peacock that wanders about outside the main entrance. It is a male peacock and looks a bit dishevelled, but I think this may be due to the time of year as it no long needs the fancy tail to display. We spent a long time waiting about in this hospital but the good news is we will not be back to it for about a year.

The second hospital was to see Mr M as he was on route to home, but we arrived a little early so had to wait to see him. He is OK but has to drink horrible looking coffee although he says the food is much better that the last hospital. His last hospital was not the one with the peacock.

It is odd how spending the day travelling waiting then travelling and waiting and then travelling can sap all your energy.   As it happens so can a Ghost Writer who has to go into his office in the morning and do stuff, he is complaining and muttering away about it when he should be pleased he missed the big meeting today for reasons that would also not help the script of the blockbuster movie that everyone is hoping that the very nice Mr Steven Spielberg is going to make once enough folk have signed the partition and jabbed at him a with pointy sticks.

AAAAAuuuuuugghhhhHHHH NO I am suffering from the famous writers loop syndrome now…….. I better go and lie down.  

Sorry about the picture I don’t have a peacock to hand in the house and this was the next best thing…….


  1. When I was in Hawaii a few decades ago there were penguins semi-roaming at the hotel neXt to mine. Oh, I just remembered that our neighbors to the north in Darrouzett had peacocks when I was a child. I think it was the Jenkins.

    1. When I was in Australia (it was a brief visit) we had a peacock that lived on our roof all day. It was very annoying and noisy. Not helped by the owners of the peacock who would turn up and try and talk it down. They were a bit annoying as well if I remember correctly and were probably the reason it was up there in the first place.

  2. I once saw the Daniel Radcliffe fella on holiday in New York (I was on holiday, he was working) all his teenage fans and the paparazzi were shouting "daniel daniel" as he looked on. I got a bit fed up and bellowed DAAANNIEEELLLL!!! from across the street and the whole lot of them stopped and stared at me so I just walked off...bunch of wierdos. hahahahaha.

    1. You should have just said . . . .Sorry its this DAMN YELL of mine . . .

      or told them all that your mate Rob Z Tobor reckons he's rubbish at magic.

    2. Perhaps a second yeLLing of, "Oh, sorry, wrong person, I was yelling for Danielle Ratclift ... do you know where she is?" then make pantomime motions as to how tall and wide this imaginary person is.

    3. I was a bit shocked that everyone turned around and looked at me. I did shout it as if I were his mum telling him off picking his nose.
      He wasn't picking his nose though. He doesn't seem the type.

    4. Ah yes I can see it now you really should have added as they turned to look . . . I have told you before master Daniel stop picking your nose...... People would then stop and think did he pick his nose...

      There is always the risk Mr ESB that he might already be Danielle Rat-cliff or Miss Lemming as she would be known to us cynical bloggers . . . .
