Wednesday, 2 October 2013

A picture tells a thousand words

I have drawn a quick picture which I think basically explains itself, you know the old saying. .. . . A picture tells a thousand words . . . . So I don’t really think I need to say much more about today except to add that Esmeralda will certainly take more care near ferrets, and George will be fine once he gets his hand out of the thermos flask.  Yes he could break it, but that might kill the stick insects inside and that is the last thing we need after today’s events.

Of course those of you reading the cheap paperback diary of Rob Z Tobor bought at Kings Cross station will not get to see my drawing, so I will just say it involves an angry swan and a plate of ice cream.   


  1. Wow, so much going on in one post. I was confused when I read that George had his hand stuck inside a thermos flask, until I realised there were stick insects in there. Now it makes perfect sense.

    1. Hello Miss Laura . . . . It makes sense? . . . . . PHEW I am glad about that.

  2. Will the comments make it into the paperback (based on the film based on the blog based on the life of..) or will they appear in their own novelette and what on Earth will THAT book be called?
    Cracking picture by the way - as always.

    1. I would love to see the comments in the book and as subtitles in the film of the book. It would be a great idea to have subtitles that sort of popped up with a voice over like they did in the TV version of The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. I know just the chap to do it....

      I think the novelette might be called Comments on a Mad Man....

  3. I think you should make a picture of one word that is constructed of 999 veRy tiny words, maybe all 999 are the same size, or maybe varying sizes with words inside of words, inside of words, ad-almost-infinitum. Or maybe just 3 levels deep. I reaLLy think I should go to sleep now. I plan to be asleep in approximately 15 minutes, so let me know if you happen to wake up at approximately the same time that I go to sleep. I have never tried to performed this eXperiment before, and we are just about the right distance away in time zones to give it a try.

    1. Hello Mr ESB I think I am awake but I might not be making pictures with a tiny word as I am never really sure what picture is going to happen. I tend to just let the trusty cheap ball point pen wander about on the paper as it likes and hope for the best.
