Saturday, 5 January 2013

The strange feeling of being watched

It has been another half decent day with the sun shining and the like, although I will say it is starting to get cold now that the sun has gone down. I have been continuing my woodwork task today on the grounds that it is best to get it finished. There is one slight snag with that however I am not great at finishing stuff and can easily be distracted by odd little things.

And talking of odd things as I sat down to write my diary tonight I got the distinct feeling I was being watched which is a bit odd, the dog says its all in the mind and is sure sign I am going Gaga (that’s mad not the singer). He has asked me who was watching me so that he could track them down and scare them off because that’s what large dogs with red eyes and pointy teeth do; so I explained that it was almost as if I was being watched by a chicken, a rat, a small gremlin thing and the Queen. Well that was that because the dog was rolling about in hysterics, but I did tell the dog that we are going off to get an Indian takeaway from the Indian takeaway in Montgomery and that if he continued to snigger his would be given to the gremlin, well that stopped him.

So to be perfectly blunt that’s it, that is your lot tonight as there are much better things to do like eat curry and battle with things that leap out of monitors and keyboards and go GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr a lot (OK a BIT) 



  1. I often use one of those cans of air with a little straw on the end to get rid of any dirty monsters, although judging by the size of that beast you might need to call the A-team or the Ghostbusterers.

    1. Believe it or not Mr H I was trying to make a new award for the RATs but is sort of went wrong . . . .

  2. Oh I want a gremlin! Not the ones that you can't feed after midnight, or have to keep away from water...oh who am I kidding? I want one of those too...

    You could do like they do on TV, we the followers send you a stamp addressed envelope and get a home-made gremlin Rob Z style. You could make a killing...I'm meant killing as in fortune wise, not cold blooded murder wise.

    1. Well Miss Lily I will see what I can do, If I get the next little creation finished soon I will see if I can arrange for it to wing its way through the post to you somehow.

      As for making my fortune I am still hanging on waiting for that Nice Mr Steven Spielberg. Some say I am an IDIOT . . . . . actually most say I am a IDIOT including Steven Spielberg apparently but he will break in the end . . .

  3. In the United States, the state of Georgia has the abbreviation GA. So I am thinking I should start caLLing her "Lady Georgia Georgia". I wonder how long it wiLL take someone to figure out what I am say-ing. I would love for it to go viral, but I doubt that it wiLL. If someone in the UK would start doing it, it would at least go transnational, oh, and transoceanic. On a side note, I found a delightful British comedy teleBision show, "Spy". There have been a few scenes that have caused me veRy severe pain from laughter. I am not sure, but I think it is only available on Hulu plus.

    1. Curry? I am having soup for breakfast that has some curry in it, not sure how much. It is prepackaged, so I am not sure. It is a regular part of my eXistence, oh, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to get hoisin sauce! WeLL, I wiLL have to wait another hour and a half til the store opens up.

    2. I will try and use Lady Georgia Georgia when the opportunity arises but as the old song goes I seldom have Lady Georgia Georgia on my mind . . . . . HAH HAHAH HAHHAH HAH haha hahahh ahah ahahh ahaha hahhahahahha

      I have not heard of "Spy" I will look it up.

      And soup for breakfast is not something I could do I am a toast and Coco Pops man with a cup of tea while squinting and pointing at the sun if we are lucky enough to see it.
