Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Elvis, Hedgehogs and Cheese Scones

We discovered that we have a pair of hedgehogs under the beach hedge last night. They appear to have made the entrance to their home under the canopy put up for the family barbecue, so we now have the only hedgehogs in Britain who have an entrance surrounded by fairy lights. The main worry with this is the male hedgehog is now convinced he is Elvis and is singing ‘Aint nothing but a hedgehog”….

It has been rather hot today, which can only mean one thing, yes dad is working on his weather machine again although this time the dog is helping him with the mathematics and calculus. The dog says that dad has not built into the system the minor random variable element which represents the butterfly that flaps its wings deep in the South American rain forest. As we all know and I’m sure I have said before a long time ago it is his fault we have all the storms and rain (the butterfly). But you can’t make a weather machine without knowing what the little critter is doing, so that you can create an Anti-flapping butterfly as compensation.

While they are doing this I have been assigned the job of making the log shed. I am not entirely convinced that it is as much fun as tinkering with a weather machine but I am told that it is very important and as a bribery mum has made of huge pile of cheese scones with loads of  km pepper in ………….YUM.

OK not much else to report today………

Oooo yes dentist tomorrow so YUCK, as it happens I am aware that Ian the Musical Hat Maker has been to see the dentist so next week if all does to plan I will be able to exchange dentist stories….. The dentist always makes me think of the film Marathon Man with that bloke Hufting Dustman or what ever his man is… I don’t like the dentist. 



  1. John Cooper Clark is a ruddy genius!
    And can you tell dad to make just a slight adjustment to the weather machine?

    I don't do well in temperatures of 26 degrees as predicted for tomorrow. This is on account of my allergic reaction to the sun and not as I've stated before, because I am a vampire.

    I love Hufting Dustman. Wasn't he in that film 'poopsie?'

    1. Yes sorry about the weather machine apparently it is stuck in hot mode at present although I think they are about to hit it with a hammer..... That works on most things.

      John Cooper Clark....Genius, quite agree.

  2. Ha! John Cooper Clarke, genius indeed, my favourite is "Evidently Chicken Town" - pure genius. Good luck with the dentist - mines pure evil!

    1. Hi Miss Tina Thanks for following hope all is well with you.....

    2. Damn hit the next comment too soon ....OK lets try this again

      Hi Miss Tina hope all is well with you thanks for following,

      With luck this will upload this time

    3. Stupid cyberspace has made me look like an IDIOT again now

  3. I am not sure that I have ever seen a hedgehog, but I have seen a few armadiLLos. It probably serves the same function in our biome. I think that 'biome' is the right word. They are usuaLLy roadkiLL. At a restaurant in my father's town there was once a poster on the waLL by the kitchen for various roadkiLL menu items. It was humour of course (I hope?). I am hoping my father's house is no longer his house soon and a new family moves into it.

    1. I had a friend that ate road kill but only the things he hit because he knew they were fresh. It is not the same when it is pancake shaped with three hundred tyre tracks on it.

    2. I hope the house sale goes OK ours lasted four and a half years and was a bit stressful

  4. I hate the dentist, I really need to go though, haven't been in ages...
    I wish I had a weather machine, I'd make lots of thunderstorms! We haven't had a good one in ages. :)

    1. I love thunderstorms I like to go out and watch the lightning if it is nearby. The dentist did not go as planned I will explain in the diary story tonight.
