Thursday 25 July 2013

Zombies, Hippies and Wasps

One of the things about writing a daily diary and also scribbling the odd sketch from time to time is that it all takes time to do, so very often I take a vague guess at what drawing I might need for the following day and quickly do the drawing at the end of the day. This is fine if I get it right, but sometimes I don’t or I start to draw something and the drawing goes seriously wrong. Last night was such a case because I really thought I was going to end up in a fight with a Zombie today. It turned out though that I ended up in a fight with a load of wasps instead having found a forth wasps nest, but on top of this my drawing was terrible as the Zombie turned out completely wrong, it is dead (excuse the pun) annoying when a Zombie turns into a Hippie. I really don’t know why it happened but it did. But that is the art game for you fickle and unpredictable, but it makes it interesting for the artist when you cant be sure the thing you start to draw is what will actually be what you draw.

OOOOOOOooooooo yes it was a WELL COOL sunset and now it is dark I plan to sneak up on some wasps so . . . . . . . TALLY HO CHAPS every man for himself…… 


  1. A Useful Tip about Warps 1

    Wasps in the dark are unpredictable and if you upset them big style, it is not advisable to be holding a bright torch. You see because its dark they will fly towards the light, if you are the light then guess what.

    A Useful Tip about Warps 2

    Wasps can be just as angry at night as in daylight but running away from them in the dark is harder.

  2. I enjoyed both of your drawings today. The second one with the color, clouds, trees and electric lines in silhouette looks fantasticaLLy realistic! It is stiLL dark here this morning, and hopefuLLy not as wet as the past two days so we can have some grape vine time. I have lived with wasps constantly here for almost thirty years and we have peacefuLLy coeXisted. I can not say the same for Cooper as he has kiLLed at least two right in front of me, snatching them in midair like a Sidewinder missile.

    1. AH if only I could paint, I can draw badly and make stuff, but sadly my skill as an artist when faced with paint and brushes is rubbish.....

    2. Oooo yes I have sort of had to Zap the wasps their numbers were growing and they were starting to get a little aggressive, and were rather near the back door. Please note the word . . . were. I will be back to tell all in a hour or so

  3. I just discovered that Putin's dog has a wikipedia page!

    1. You cant help but think Putin's Dog sounds just to close to Pavlov's Dog. And all I can say is that I can hear alarm bells ringing in the minds of some. . . . . .

      HAH HAHAHAHH HAH AH HAH AH HAh ah ha hah ah ha hah ah ah hhah hah hah ah hah ah ha ha hah ah ha

    2. When you about it closely, "hearing alarm bells ring inside the minds of others" is quite an awesome ability. It reminds me of a line from a Gordon Lightfoot song, "... if you could read my mind, love, what a tale my thoughts would tell. Just like an old time movie, 'bout a ghost from a wishin' well ...", but of course, you already knew I was thinking that and I omitted the hahahaha because you already knew when I laughed as weLL, .... amazing.

    3. It seems a long way from Putin's dog to Gordon Lightfoot (a name I have not heard in ages), but a well trained dog will always walk to heel which as we all know is lightly attached to the foot.

      What a strange tale we weave Mr ESB . . .
