Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The as yet unknown Insect People of Saturn . . . . . Keep Watching the SKIES (sorry EYES)

The Ghost Writer has been in his grey office today pondering the strange world of IT, now before you all say hang on that got nothing to do with unknown things, that is not entirely true. You see he is going ga ga (as in loony, not the singer . . . .as I have said before) and so quite frankly has not got a clue what he is doing, so he spends most of his life in a state of unknown.  He is much happier like that, sometimes it is best not to know.

You are all no doubt all aware that in the last couple of days I have had close encounters with Vampire Moths and tonight I almost came  face to face with a large pale coloured spider. I say almost because it ran off and hid when I sneaked in to grab the camera. I have learnt I need to photograph everything or folk say things like O yes how big did you SAY; it stood four feet high and snarled at you……. Well if I wave a photo at them they go O MY GOD ITS HUGE KILL IT……. However the spider ran off so no picture only an artist’s impression . . . . . OK I may have got carried away a bit, but I have a theory.

Well all this insect activity made me think HANG ON maybe all these insects are just acting like pre-invasion scouts testing the lay of the land working out if us humans taste good before they (the Insect People of Saturn) attack us.  This now appears very likely to me because the small scouts (almost certainly nano robots) insects will be telling the main battle fleet in space that our main defences consist of nasty smelling aerosol sprays that are as good as useless, sticky strips of paper that catch the odd fly and scented candles which appear to choke the humans and for some reason even most humans can't understand clear plastic bags full of water hanging outside windows.  Yes it appears the insects may not only think we are weak and feeble but with rather tasty blood but also mad.

I have no plans to hang plastic bags full of water outside my windows. . . . No one is going to call me mad. Although it will make an interesting backdrop in the popular Steven Spielberg movie The Invaders from Saturn . . . . Based on a popular blog by Rob Z Tobor.


  1. I want some of whatever it is that you're on.

    Can't wait to see that Spielberg movie.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Tea and hot toast with melting butter Mr B it is a grand stimulus to the mind and body. . . I do not do other nasty things they scramble the mind. The human brain is a wondrous thing and can conjure up all sorts of amazing stuff if allowed to do its own thing a bit.

      I just don't know where that Steven Spielberg has got too lately. . .

  2. Have you ever noticed that insects are in-sect-ions? Perhaps we can use their ions as a power source.

    1. I have a story about those plastico bags of water.

    2. I believe the plastic bags full of water started off in Mexico and with time they have gained many powers as folk tell folk who tell folk who tell folk and so on until they are now magic as well as scare away The Insect People of Saturn.....

      tonights picture has gone well wrong I will see if I can not salvage it later. . . .

  3. How do you know they are from Saturn? Do they have the typical Saturnian traits?

    1. Exactly. These insect are obviously coming from Neptune! Neptunian insects are the obvious answer, and Mr Rob is hilariously misguided about the whole affair. What an amateur!

    2. I have never known Rob to be rong about anything. That is wrong without the w.

    3. Hang on I replied to this . . . .Whats going on I think those Insect people have been undermining me. they known I'm on to them.

    4. I wrote wrong wrong and rong rong.

    5. as the song goes . . . . A do Ron Ron. . . sort of.
