Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The A to Z Challenge, Images and a small offer of Help . . . sort of . . .Maybe

Hello everyone . . . . . When I say everyone I of course refer to the small band of followers I have, which is not large, but they are a good bunch and mean well despite making faces at me behind my back and throwing kippers at vicars.  So why am I here?

 Well because just at present my diary has sort of gone entirely wrong, but that is due to a rather ambitious effort to draw a letter based picture for each letter of the Alphabet for the April A to Z Challenge.  If you are thinking what’s an A to Z challenge then some will say you are a jolly lucky person indeed, but I for one rather enjoy it for all the wrong reasons, I am not really a social chap and tend to shout BAH HUMBUG when folk turn up smiling.   I just sort of started as a way of adding a quirky twist to my diary forcing me away from the norm, and now I just think ooooooo what will I try this time. As it happens this time, as I have already mentioned, will be writing Aardvark Nonsense Poetry about an Aardvark and maybe a dog. . . It is possible a dog may be mentioned rather a lot also.

Anyway I digress from what I am here to tell you about. You see I have almost finished all my drawings with only X, Y, Z to go and I have said I planned to share all my drawings so that others doing the A to Z Challenge can use them. OK Only for the challenge as I did draw them all and if you wish to use them for other stuff you need to contact me. Yes they are rubbish and no one in their right mind (or left) is likely to go pinching them and make a killing putting them on mugs or the like.

So what I have done is create a little blog . . . . . (I know that’s four of them now). . . . And if you follow the link it will allow you to see them all where you can click on the image and then copy and paste them into you own posts. I am also not that worried if you would rather not add my name to the image as I know some of you would prefer it if folk did not know you had been visiting my blog, however I would be rather upset if you were to say the images were your own efforts. That sort of thing is not nice and I would sulk a fair bit.

Finally for those wondering what has happened to my diary it will return to normal once this is all over. . . . . . Or as normal as it can be. . . . . . . .   

So follow the link to my other blog (the forth one)


Sorry that Blog is now no longer in existence  (August 2015)


  1. Hello Mr. R.,

    You have an adoring group of starstruck fans, my human friend! The A to Z of illustrations. Yes, you have another blog set up. I shall duly check it out. I wonder if you are having problems with Google Friend Connect. I cannot follow new blogs. Have been getting this error, " We're sorry... We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later."

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny at the Alphabark Challenge, 2014!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Interestingly I get the same message at my local bank, whose staff will overt their gaze as I wander in smiling . . . .

      And apparently I cant draw my own money . . . . not even if I add a happy queen on it.

  2. I love the idea, and thanks for sharing your images. I won't be using them as I don't think they'll fit with what I am doing for the challenge, but I would encourage anyone reading this to use them since Rob's art is awesome.

    1. Reading between the lines Sir Addman what I think you are saying is . . . . . . Those images are rubbish USE THEM are you kidding I would rather hold my head underwater and sing songs about goldfish.

      Avoid these pictures at all costs everyone or they will ruin your mind for at least 10 seconds .... ...

  3. Those are some great pictures, you're good at drawing. I have trouble just drawing stick men.

    1. Even stick men have there place, I live in the sticks,.

      R is drawn on the back of my garage bill but they said they wanted cash. It was worth a go, Picasso got away with it.

      Many thanks Miss Laura.

  4. I am not sure which one is my favorite, so far anyway, maybe L.

    1. I was happiest with U and V as they are sort of opposites which was what I planned. In general what ever I plan goes wrong and the drawing turns out entirely different. Luckily folk dont know this and so as long as I dont say . . . . . . . . . . . . .AH DAMN. . . . I have let slip again.

    2. I almost missed that you had two Z's because of the way my iPhone browser works, the Z's are cool !!!

  5. Sorry if you've been stalking me and I haven't noticed, I've been a bit preoccupied recently. Or was it that I'm stalking you and you're preoccupied? Nevertheless, I am particularly fond of Pirates for RRRRRR. I aim to pirate it. RRRRRhahahahahaha. (isn't that how it goes?) As always, love the art.

    1. I'm OK with that Mr Flip I am all in favour of art for all and all for art, as it happens I am also rather busy at present with stuff and also have visitors over the weekend.

      They are really nice with white coats and have given me this really cool room with padded walls to play in.

  6. Excellent drawings! I may use some of them, so thanks so much for sharing.

    1. That is what they are there for. The A to Z can be hard enough without the added pressure of sorting out images. I sort of do things like draw them all because its part of the challenge for me. And takes me off on a slight tangent from my continuing diary of Life, the Universe and Everything, including Zombies.
