Friday, 28 March 2014

The Elephant, the Ballerina and the Politician

It is a well know fact that almost all the odd saying that we use, and as many of you know I have used many of them in my diary over the years to great effect and have estimated my use of these strange saying has increased my readership by almost one person.  Of course I can only use British sayings as my knowledge of other languages is almost zero, OK I lie, it is zero. AH right, OK back to the point almost all of these sayings have deep rooted origins based on hard fact, such as  . . . . Raining Cats and Dogs . . .  which started back in 1543 when a huge storm passed over Battersea cat and dog rescue centre sucking thousands of animals into the air and dropping them on the royal palace in Highgate during the annual royal garden party for the Ambassadors from the colony’s.

In fact it was about the same time when the saying . . . .  A Pig in a Poke . . . . started. A result of sciences conflict with the Catholic Church at the time, when the Pope refused to accept that the world was round and travelled round the sun. The church was sticking to the view that Earth was the centre of the universe, anyway after a long and hard argument between Galileo and the Cardinals, Galileo told his fellow scientists waiting outside trying to get the church to accept the truth was like trying to get a Pig in the Pope.  It stuck as a saying, but was changed a bit after the Spanish inquisition intervened and stretched rather a lot of people, proving that it is entirely unpractical to try and get a pig in anyone, oblivious of the fact that, that was Galileo’s point.  

However one saying has always remained a mystery because of the sheer stupidity of it  . . . . . . . . Don’t mention the Elephant in the Room. . . . . .  OH well that is entirely the right thing to do, a huge animal half the size of your house chewing grass and wandering about in your living room. OH better not say anything folk might get upset, maybe they will not notice. I’m sorry this is an Elephant; people will notice and will probably scream and leap out of the window assuming the Elephant is not standing in front of it.  Elephants don’t roam about in rooms if you have one in your room I suggest you tell everyone you can including the police and fire brigade and maybe the local vet. . . . DO NOT pretend it is not there…….

There is an old saying that sums this all up in a useful little phrase . . . . . . A Ballerina can become a Politician, but a Politician can’t become a Ballerina . . . . . . Enough said I think . . . . . .  I will go now.       


  1. You might find that kinda elephant in a fountain, so it would be an elefount found in a fountain.

    I have a new vinyl material that works in my printer. It allows me to make stickers and outdoor signage that is weather and UV resistant. I just made my first test things for a client yesterday then applying the protective layer today.

    1. ActuaLLy it is quite easy to get a pig inside someone, it is process caLLed 'bacon'.

      When I read your opening thing about lying about zero, I thought that zero equates to nothing, and so if you were lying about nothing would that be not lying, and so this is an eXample of lying and not lying about the same thing. Maybe this is what chicken philosophers think about while they cross the road.

    2. Funnily enough Mr ESB I did think about bacon, and interestingly bacon and chicken are a rather good combination.

      Maybe the philosopher crossed the road to get a bacon and chicken sandwich at Mr Li's Sandwich Bar, where nothing is too much trouble.

  2. OK, WAIT. is ANY of this true? Because this is exactly the kind of thing I love and yet if I go to my Friday meeting this week and I'm all "Hey, did you know that the original saying was 'like trying to get a pig in a Pope' and then tell them you're story and it's not true I'm going to look like a total jerk. I mean moreso than usual.

    True or not, the elephant thing was funny.

    1. Much of my blog is true and much of it is slightly changed from the truth. The trick is to work out which is which. And as it says in the small print on the back of cyberspace never believe anything you read on the internet. However they do say as long as you say a thing with conviction then folk will believe you.

      I think you should just tell them what you have read on the internet and let them decide.

      And thanks for calling by I will now go and investigate to pin down who you are. If you are the chap next door who I see every day then all I can say is my brain is sort of semi faulty . . . . . I remember nothing.

    2. OK I have it it all comes back to me now. . . . . . . (honest)

    3. You had me worried there for a second but it only took you 6 minutes so that isn't too bad of a recovery time. I am just laying here awake too early watching Oklahoma be a little shaky-er than normal. I am just glad my iPhone can change 'nomral' to normal automagically for me.

    4. I often spent periods of 6 minutes not knowing what's going on Mr ESB.

      All or clocks have moved to British summer time now (last night) so I think the time difference between us has just either increased or decreased by an hour, but I will try not to let this effect my blog

    5. Maybe it was the time change that shock Oklahoma as it had to move position a bit.

  3. I'm pretty sure that everything you just said was a giant lie. Except the Pope thing, I happen to know that is God's honest truth. Pigs don't fit in Popes. Except that fat Pope back in the seventeenth century, Pope Gigantic the Vast, I believe was his name. He actually had an entire pig farm located in his lower bowels, complete with a quaint Italian town and rotating shifts of pig herders.

    1. Damn Mr Flip I missed your Comment I blame those A to Z people
