Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Its Accountancy Jim but not as we know it. . . . . (OK I'm suffering from writers block at present, so its not my fault)

Today the Ghost Writer was in his office, the one with the grey walls. I know what you are thinking, you are thinking hang on didn't he move out of that office into a new office ages ago. Well that is correct but the new office is identical in many ways to the old office and has grey walls. It is where a very unknown writer got the idea to write. . . .  One Shade of Grey, a Tale of Accountancy . . . . .  a book that to this day is the worst selling book on Amazon. And one that the very nice Steven Spielberg would not even give a second glance at where it not for the recent realization that Roger from accounts is in fact an Alien.

Well that’s just typical you look for Aliens high and low in the Woods, Death Valley, Mars, Venus and the various moons of the various planets as well as pointing radio telescopes out into Interstellar Space. And it turns out that Roger upstairs is an Alien all along, I guess the fact that his wife is called Stella is a bit of a clue, well that and the arms.

This is good though because that Mr Douglas Adams chap wrote a successful book where the hero is an ordinary chap in the street, much like myself who ends up in space with a load of Aliens. Well this is exactly what keeps happening to me, well OK I don’t end up in space, more the supermarket. I have even been told the inside of spacecrafts are very similar to supermarkets, they both have a cold bits full of frozen bodies too in order to survive the long journey to the new planet. One Small Step for Man One Giant Roast for Mankind. In fact Roger says that he was lucky, he had just left his cryogenic chamber when a large gang of confused old ladies ran off with the rest of the crew for a barbeque at the old folks home convinced they were in Tesco.  He has worked ever since to reap revenge by making sure the pension of little old ladies is reduced so much they can’t afford a decent frozen Alien anymore. And to insure this will never happen again he was secretly worked on increasing the retirement age to a point us humans all keel over before we get to retire. 

See what happens when we start eating folk from other planets, they don't like it.  

Ooooo and remember Vote YES . . . .  I will be returning to this subject again  . . . . .soon 


  1. Saying yes gets me into more bother than I can handle.... Unless it's follwed by "...dear of course I will." And then I just get in trouble for not doing what ever it is I was supposed to do...wrong......

    More dangerous than Eating miniature aliens straight from the fridge.

    1. I googled alien ice lollies and among the pictures was one of a huge glass Tesco. . . . . I rest my case.

      I also say . . . yes dear I'm just about to start right now.

  2. What am I saying 'yes' to? I don't want another asbo or restraining order...

    1. You dont need to say yes Miss Lily. . . .It is the Scottish blood in me speaking. . . . . .

  3. I think there is a cutoff at iron in the Periodic Table, such that everything with an atomic number greater is only produced by supernovae. So in a tiny "weigh" we aLL have a little bit of alien in us from who can guess how many different places of interstellar dust origin.

    1. I think I remember the Words . . . . We are Stardust . . . . from a song from the not so distant past . . . it also implied we were golden but I think they got confused with rust.

  4. *votes YES to everything*

    Oh great, now I'm a human guinea pig for the Illuminati. Thanks!

    1. You should be very proud Mr Addman, we (sorry I mean they) dont just pick anybody for experiments.
