Monday, 24 February 2014

The Scottish Referendum Debate and the reason why people should vote YES to Scottish independence

It is rather interesting that in the great debate on Scottish independence, to date no one as asked me my opinion on the Scottish referendum debate. Some of you will be thinking why should Rob Z Tobor get involved in the first place, what can some mad bloke living on the English Welsh border add to the debate that has not been discussed so far.

Well you see as my loyal, slightly quirky, but rather intelligent regular followers will know I often look at things in a slightly different way to the masses and so can help persuade a few people to consider how they finally vote when we get to crunch time on the 18th September. There are all sorts of issues involved in this, and at present a certain amount of mud slinging and scare tactics being used by both sides. This is not the way forward, although I may add some to my argument in order to liven it up a bit, after all David Cameron and Alex Salmond are not the most inspiring folk to watch or listen too,  although maybe Mr Salmond has the edge slightly on banter.

So where do I stand and why, well I am a pro independence person because my family have come from the wilds of Scotland since before Bruce Lee, sorry Robert the Bruce was knee high to a spider. In fact the old ancestral blood goes back to a time when we were wild men in the hills fighting everyone including each other and shouting Are you looking at me sonny dishing out Glasgow kisses before Glasgow was Glasgow, and we all spoke in a strange dialect no one understood.  AH YES I see your point it may still be a bit like that on a Saturday night after a few wee chasers and deep fried haggis, chips and curry sauce. I always remember someone telling me that after a really good night out, he assumed it was good as he did not remember it, he woke up in the door way of R S McColl in Aberdeen in the morning with enough chip suppers to feed about twenty people, although by then they were cold and had sort of congealed into a single lump.  Still it made a hell of a breakfast, sort of the hair of the dog so to speak (I know more silly sayings).

OK back to the point you are keen to hear exactly why folk in Scotland should vote for independence, it is the financial or economic or commercial or political arguments that have made me think AH YES this is what Scotland should do . . . . . . . . Well NO who can really predict what would happen; the truth is no one with any certainty.

You see if Scotland says NO then the status quo will remain as it is now, nothing will change, we will still grumble about the weather, politicians being corrupt, the cost of a cup of tea and next doors Armadillo making holes in the lawn at night. To vote No is the easy safe choice the one to go for if you wish to see everything just carry on as it has for ages, the one that will let the powers that be just smile and be smug. However if Scotland says lets go for it Lets vote Yes, it will be a whole new adventure not just for Scotland but the entire UK, the UK even gets a new flag (WELL COOL). Imagine it . . . . all change for loads of things, flag makers will love it for one and then there will be all sorts of other stuff no one has thought of yet, it will be dead exciting all round, both in England and Scotland and it will be a monumental historical moment in British History something to remember and tell your neighbours cat about in years to come.

This is a one off opportunity something that will never happen again, a NO vote will seal Scotland’s fate forever as the hilly bit on the top of England where folk talk funny. A YES you see; I suspect in the future, if it sort of went wrong, would see the rest of UK saying . . . . . Why not come and join us again we will even let you keep your kilts and bagpipes and talk in a funny way about felling a bit peely-wally and even allow you to sing Flower of Scotland.

So vote YES or  . . . . . .  Ye aff yer heid . . . . ya Bampot Eeejits

I rest my case . . . . . . . .for now. 


  1. I have been for Scottish Independence ever since I heard about the movement during my reading of Iain M Banks.

    1. I have a feeling it will not happen, but it could be so much fun.

  2. What I know of this issue can be summed up in movies: Braveheart, which was followed by the sequel, Trainspotting, which then had its spinoff, the new Doctor on Doctor Who. Which I think adds up to, "don't worry about it, Scotland, vote yes and then join the EU if you get too skittish about independence."

    1. I feel you have got your films slightly mixed up between trainspotting and Doctor Who was The Creature from the Lorna Doone (sorry Black Lagoon) . . . . . . its any easy mistake to make.

  3. I think they have the wrong options to ask the scots. Is should not be a YES/NO vote but instead it should be a OCH AYE!/OCH NAE! that way they will have a better understanding of what to say.
    Plus, if Scotchland DOES become independent, would that make deep fried mars bars an exotic dish leading to an influx of Scottish take-a-ways clogging up our highstreets? . . .Of course I jest. My Dad is a scotchman although he never wears a kilt.

    1. Deep fried ice cream is really nice although it has to be good ice cream, and I dont advice trying raspberry ripple. Best to stick with plain vanilla or cornish. A Scotch takeaway down south sounds like a good idea to me.

  4. Personally, I'd rather Scotland stayed part of the UK. In fact, I think all countries around the world should unite into one, big, glorious hole, I mean whole. I'd like to see a world government that brings about an end to division amd war. But then again, you may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...

    Still, if Scotland don't want to be part of the UK (who could blame them?) then fair enough, and I wish them all the best.

    1. I feel there is only one option Mr Addman. We should all live in a Yellow Submarine.

      As it happens I dont mind either option, it is just one is more exciting than the other and if Scotland struggles it could join Scandinavia . . . . . . . I am full of good IKEA's . . . . . . . .HAH AH H HH AH HA HAH HA HAH AH AH HA HA HHA HA H AH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    2. I agree because the country of Scandanavia and Scotland have much in common, and. Saw, oops, so, e-limb-inating and and combining might make Scotlanavia.

  5. Can your drawing of a kilt wearing guy and a fox be the new official flag? If so, then I'm in favor.

    1. I amwith you on that Mr Flip it would be a good flag, distinct, with a sense of humour and yet show folk around the world the inner gritty Scotsman under the slightly windy lower body wear of choice.
