Sunday, 22 September 2013

Hospitals, Peacocks and Mr M

Today turned into two hospital trips, the first of which was to look at knees on a fancy machine, it was interesting as there was a peacock striding about guarding the main entrance. It seems that peacocks are moving into hospital security and are undercutting the opposition by working for almost nothing scratching out a living as and where they can, although eating the slower patients has got the odd one into trouble. Then when we arrived in the main X ray department they were practicing (the x ray folk not the peacocks) on a small and rather bouncy dog which was somewhat a surprise.  But apparently Elvis was not a rather well known singer who has been living on the moon for some time but a small hound dog; and nothing but a hound dog. . . . HAHAHH HAH hah ah ha haha h ha hha ha ha ha ha ha hah ah ha 

Anyway after we left this hospital we then went off to see Mr M at another hospital and managed to scrap a meal together by hunting under the car seats for leftovers from bygone trips into the unknown. This was because we were very early but due to a time and distance paradox going elsewhere was to put it bluntly futile….. We did have some hospital tea which was OK which was a shock although we were the only ones in the cafĂ© and folk did look and shake their heads whispering things like don’t eat the pies, they might contain  . . . . . left-over bits… I quite like left over’s but not bits of left over Boris.

Mr M looked a bit better than we thought he might, and was quite chatty and rather explicit about certain things which I have added to my bucket list of things not to do before I die, one of which may involve a bucket. And Mr M was also a bit concerned about his feet, he was adamant that he only used to have the two and they were not those of a large eagle. And despite the advantages of catching small rodents, the disadvantage of ruining his socks and ripping all the sheets meant on the whole he would prefer his own feet back.

So we then made it back home just in time to decide we did not have time to do a great deal, so I have written my diary entry and armed myself with a pointy stick just in case a delirious patient from a hospital swoops down on me with his huge talons and tries to eat me after a long spell of hospital food….. 


  1. Last year when Mrs H broke her ankle, I spent quite a lot of time eating in the hospital cafe and I was surprised how big the portions were! The tea was very weak but the little old ladies running the cafe over fed me which probably doesn't help the obesity problem we have in this country. Then again i was running up and down the stairs to get Mrs H her crossword magazines so I think i burnt it all off by the time she could walk again.

    1. I must admit the little old ladies running the cafe were really friendly (strangely my PC does not like the word cafe). I tend to use the lifts in the hospital but they are fickle and rather slow, much like myself really....

  2. That's neat that's neat that's neat that's neat, I really love your eagle feet.

    1. I have not heard that song in a long time. As it happens while waiting in one of the hospitals there was a radio playing some old sixties music and I realized that the words are complete nonsense in general. It is strange how some folk make a fortune writing nonsense and others (me) dont....

  3. I think a good bucket list would be aLL the different kinds of buckets.

    1. I suddenly remembered that we had neighbors to the north of us who had peacocks. This was when I was a kid in Texas. I haven't seen peacocks at hospitals.

    2. On teleBision this morning I did hear someone use the words, "Jesus versus zombies", it was a reference to something about the Emmys.

    3. Jesus versus zombies would probably only make sense if the Jesus in question was your old friend. Well either that or a serious rewrite of the bible would be called for which may not go down well with certain people with strong religious believes. It might however appeal to a younger age group.

      It was rather strange to see the peacock wandering about right by the main doors to the hospital quite happily looking for food. Folk being folk I would have thought someone might have done a runner with it.

      Mind you they are very noisy birds that can drive you mad. A very long time ago I once had one that liked to live on the roof of the house I was staying at and it made some very odd sounds indeed.......
