Monday, 2 June 2014

Demonic Demons seen in Brecon

That Hugh Jackman is rubbish with his rusty nails and grumpy face
Not like Joan Hackman she is great? 

You go all the way to Brecon as part of the Rapid Reaction Zombie Defence Force armed with pointy sticks and a cheery song only to find its not Zombies but Demonic Demons summoned up by rouge (sorry rogue) Druids for reasons that are too difficult to explain as they are all in Welsh.

Anyway the point is the Rapid Reaction Zombie Defence Force doesn’t deal with Demonic Demons that is the specialist area of Demon-Rod with their rather devilish coloured vans and pressure horses (sorry hoses); Demonic Demons hate water.

I would write more, but it is late and it has been yet another long day. Brecon is a fair distance to go for the wrong kind of scary beast. . . Folk really should buy the . . . . .  AaaauuuuggghhhHHH  Zombie Guide Book  . . . . . . Available as soon as I write it both as a hardcover or paperback. CD included giving amazing details of feet claws and forked tongues.  The ideal gift for Christmas or Fathers Day.

OK I better go it's late   


  1. I own a few folk comments I hope to catch up tomorrow all being well. Life is slightly busier than I would like.

  2. What's worse? A busy life or a slow computer? If my computing could speed up I might be busier than I am. Of course I stay pretty busy waiting for my computer to do stuff.

    Tossing It Out

    1. I appear to have both at present myself, but such is the way of life

  3. I would definitely buy the AaaauuuuggghhhHHH to Zombie Guide Book without a shadow of a doubt. Make it happen RzT.

    1. I would Mr H but I am battered and tired and my brain thinks of more things that I can possibly do. I hate it when brains keep doing that.

  4. I hate pressure horses. And I like rouge. I might have to side with the Bacon (I mean Brecon) Demons on this one.

    1. What is worse is they remind me of Saturday Night Fever for some reason I can't put my finger on.

      Lets Boogie

  5. Heehee, Joan Hackman. A Zombie/Demon guide book is a brilliant idea Mr Z. If anyone can publish such a guide, then it's definitely you.

    1. I am full of ideas Miss Lily but not full of energy these days . . . . So a whole book of beasts seems a rather daunting prospect . . .

  6. I think that I needed a pointy stick yesterday, it was that bad. I always look for the entertainment value in bad situations, especiaLLy if it appears someone is stealing from me. Maybe I needed two sticks, one pointy, one semi-pointy.

    1. I looked at your picture and I thought, "Who could this be?" Then I thought a second time. FinaLLy on the fifth time thinking I thought, this might be a person who works at a crosswalk to signal drivers to stop so smaLL humans can safely get across roadways. It might also be a window washer.

    2. working at the cross walk sounds like fun.

    3. Oooo yes are you still having agro with the persons who steal

    4. "agro" ? Unfamiliar with the term, British?

      Having a quiet day eased pain. Sneezed and got a severe headache. Worked til midnight last night on an eXtremely (possibly) rush order that takes several days to process due to two drying steps. Its funny because you water wash the product but then it has to dry before putting on the waterproofing & UV protection. I have been busy lately and slightly behind on my Rob reading, sorry. I wiLL try to get caught up later today.

    5. Agro is short for Aggravation, it is used a lot in Britain as a term. . .

      It turned a bit manic here today due to a poorly cat (it will be OK again in a few days).

    6. Hopingforaspeedyrecovery.

  7. I thought the title of this post was Demonic Demons Seen In Bacon. I thought you were Jewish for a second.

    1. No No we are talking of the Brecon Beacons which has a bit of a reputation for Demonic Demons. The jewish community is thin on the ground round these parts along with every other community I guess, even the Welsh.
