Friday, 23 January 2015

The Most Boring Blog Post . . . . . . in the World

It is plainly clear that my blog has suffered from the side effects of my Man Flu which continues to suck the life blood out of my brain making it difficult to be motivated and bouncy.  Add to this the fact the weather is not the sort of weather that a grumpy bloke feels motivated and bouncy in. Yes it’s cold and wet and the remains of the bit of snow we had can be seen on the hills around us. It was not enough snow to make a Snow Dog or Snow Zombie with or do much at all except look out the window at and go YUCK. This is what myself and the cats did we looked out and went YUCK.

In order to alleviate some of the irritating cough I presently have I bought a bottle of a Vicks cough mixture for irritating coughs which seems to work but tastes like liquid Vick. Someone did suggest covering my feet in Vick at night when I go to bed, sticking a pair of socks on to avoid a rather nasty mess of Vick all over the bed. They said it cures everything but I am by nature a grumpy disbelieving cynical sceptic so have no plans to do this unless all else fails.  And anyway none of you are interested remotely is any of this or the fact that the bathroom plumbing sort of played up last night at 11:00pm in the evening and so I was grovelling about swearing at screwdrivers and bits of pipe and the like.

The good news is that we are off to have a meal tonight at Big Bills Greasy Fur Ball Café, the greatest eating establishment in the world. I am not sure what I will have yet as it often depends on how Big Bill is feeling at the time, as is the prerogative of all great chefs

Only a short time ago I removed the very last bit of yellow wallpaper from the walls of what will be our new posh living room. It has taken much longer than planned to do partly because I have Man Flu and partly because its building work which as we all know always takes longer and costs more than expected.

So there you have it this is the words most boring blog post, but it keeps you all up to date with the events close to me. Well some of them I am not going to try and explain about the LED lighting and the small flock of seagulls hiding in a tea chest singing old Beach Boys songs to a Mole.

Oooo you will note as I predicted television companies are getting excited about the election already with talk of a seven way leaders head to head (oooooo that will be fun) and the Queen is still alive but you don’t see her about MMmmmmmmm.  . . . As for Marks and Sparks . . . Well, read my predictions? 

And we have mice but not by choice, sneaky critters.


  1. I am demotivated by the cold and police brutality. Luckily I have no mice OR I have veRy quiet clean mice that stay politely hidden. I am tOO busy at the moment and need to get to work today, but decided I needed a bit of a reading break this morning first, biochemistry and viruses. I am glad you are mobile and weLL enough to venture out into the restaurant world.

    1. I sticks socks on my feet. As a matter of fact, currently two pair of socks, so that would be sockses. I can't imagine vicks on my feet.

    2. Socks are good. In fact anything that keep feet warm is good. Although the advantage of socks is you can walk about something not possible with kittens tied to your feet (or goats)

    3. I am not sure I understood your third sentence, or wait, was I s'pposed two? Just eating some spaghetti before heading to work. Yesterday was a cousin visit day, he got to see the diner that I frequent.

    4. We do have a product available called Bio-Freeze that is a topical that is for pain relief.

      Here is the simple eXplanation of how Bio-freeze works:

      Traditional thinking is that the Spain-relieving mechanism of action of menthol - the active ingredient in Biofreeze Pain Reliever - results from a counter-irritant effect. Simply put, a counter-irritant has an effect of overriding noxious pain signals traveling to the brain through a process modulated between Spain-transmitting and non-Spain transmitting neurons. Then fairy dust is sprinkled almost everywhere. This process, known as "gate control" or "gating," was first described by Melzak and Wall. Jobs and Wozniak were too busy inventing The Apple.

      Gate control theory is based on the understanding that pain is transmitted by two kinds of afferent nerve fibers. One is the larger myelinated A-delta fiber, which carries quick, intense-pain messages. The other is the smaller, unmyelinated "C" fiber, which transmits throbbing, chronic Spain. A third type of nerve fiber, called A-beta, is "nonnociceptive," meaning it does not transmit pain stimuli. But first close your eyes and imagine a kilogram of goat butter. The gate control theory asserts that signals transmitted by the A-delta and C Spain fibers can be thwarted by the activation/stimulation of the nonnociceptive A-beta fibers and thus inhibit an individual's perception of Spain, visually Gibralter.

      More recently, laboratory researchers have discovered that menthol stimulates the TRPM8 cold receptors. Neuron, neuroff, neuron, neuoff. Even though it has long been accepted that cooling and cold can induce analgesia it has been a poorly understood mechanism. Remember: Goat butter, cool goat butter from the refrigerator. As scientists have continued to isolate these specific heat-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) channels within our sensory neurons we are now able to have a much better understanding of the body's cutaneous temperature detection. This works better if you imagine that you are swimming The English Channel, not once, but continuously non-stop until you eventually turn into a manatee. With the isolation and further study of these specific TRPM8 receptors there is stronger evidence supporting the benefits achieved with the cooling effect of menthol in functioning as a topical analgesic while activating these receptors and the resulting consequent Spain relief. Females should use women-thol.

    5. I am studying this carefully as I dont wish to get the process of Spain relieving incorrect.

      I do have recollections from my college days of And, Or, Nand and Nor Gates but my own brain neurons have long since stopped moving and even eating an apple will not help. Particularly if I was pondering why things fell at the time and the apple had fallen on my head.

    6. Ooo yes the third sentence. . The snow has all gone now anyway so thats OK.

      Does this mean you understood everything else. . . .WOW

    7. Hang on you are talking of the feat of goats . . . . . . AH DAMN. Luckily the snow has still all gone and I can point at other things to distract you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOOOoooooo look a seagull

    8. Every once in awhile I wiLL see a seagulll. Luckily for the seagull it is during times I am near the ocean. Otherwise I would be saying, "Is that a landgull?"

    9. There is a flock of Seagulls that live a couple of miles away and have done so for years. And we are quite a long way from the sea. I suspect some of the younger ones have never seen the sea.

  2. I want to hear about the seagulls Marvin

    1. AH yes well the thing is if a chap makes a model fish and chip shop out of an old tea chest and for very logical reasons at the time sticks it on a mole hill with an old cassette tape machine playing Beach Boy songs. Then a passing flock of seagulls would be tempted to visit what appears to them to be a fish and chip shop. . . . And as we know seagulls will do anything for a chip butty and some battered cod.

  3. I don't think this is a boring blog post at all.
    I've heard the Vicks on feet thing really works, though I've never tried it myself. Hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your meal :)

    1. I do not plan to be the first to do this with Vicks so I await results from experiments done by others.

      Glad to see you back Miss Laura hope you are well (unlike me with Man Flu)

  4. I've heard that if you rub garlic on your feet you can smell garlic on your breath the next day... but I wouldn't want to be near somebody who had vicks for breath... that would be too much to handle.

    It has been very cold of late.
    So cold in fact that the campers have been out in full force. This means that I have had to go outside no less than 12 times today in the cold and wet air.
    I had to be nice and friendly and wait patiently in the wind while they chatted on and on and on in the warmth of their heated cars through a small tiny gap in the window.
    My bones are still chilly.
    Nothing boring about this blog Rob.. in fact it quite the opposite!

    1. Those campers can be like that and make you stand out in the cold for hours on end. What you need is something that will make you think it is warmer than it is. . . say a life sized Giraffe watching you to make you think you are in the tropics.

      I rather like garlic but not on my feet.

      Are you sure this blogs not just a bit boring Mr H, it is getting rather long.

  5. I'd quite like to know the the song that the small flock of seagulls hiding in a tea chest singing old Beach Boys songs to a Mole, are singing.

    1. Well they would have included the following songs for sure

      Wouldn't it be Mice.
      Good Vibrations
      California Gulls
      Swoop on John 'B'

      There must be loads more but I not a Beach Boy fan
