Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Aurora Borealis, Professor Brian Cox and why are humans not that hairy. . .The big Question

I have not pondered any big questions of late and this might explain part of the entire lack of interest in my blog at present, well that and my ability to ramble on about absolutely nothing. So I thought come on Rob Z Tobor time to look at the bigger picture and consider one of those Big Questions one where the answer is far from clear even for a chap like me. You see I was outside last night looking at the sky, on the off chance I might see the Aurora Borealis; did I see a hint of green through the mist and trees I will never know for sure, but stuff like that happens. Was that a three headed dog running along the dark ally at the back of the chip shop with a large lizard in its mouth (mouths), life is full of little glimpses of things out the corner of your eye that make you think . . . . . . Was that really a ???? . . . There is a whole different world in the corner of human eyes.

Anyway while I was out not seeing the Aurora Borealis, wrapped up against the cold with a selection of warm clothes watched by two cats who ran off when they thought they heard a three headed dog, (it was only three of next doors dogs howling at a banshee).  I had this thought why are humans not covered in hair . . . . No I mean proper hair like gorillas or bears (who are not bare) if we are the descendants of the great apes we should be covered in hair but we are not. This is odd because normally where an animal exists both in a hairy species and bald species the bald one spends its entire life in caves and has rubbish eyesight. And if you look at humans as a whole it is amazing how many wear glasses and have rubbish eyesight. Me for one if I take my glasses off I would be unable to tell the difference between a gorilla and say a hedgehog so I have to make sure I am wearing my glasses if I go out in the garden looking for hedgehogs (they taste delicious HAH AHah hahahah ah ah ah ah ha ha hha ha ha ha hahah ha haha haha ha ha ha). Add to this the fact that a lot of the very earliest evidence for man can be found in caves and potholing is still a popular sport made me ponder the very distinct possibility that the human race is in fact rather less a great ape as a rather weird sort of Monkey Mole or maybe a Mole Monkey.

I mean what was the first thing that man started making back in the stone age it was burial mounds or as the very hairy Great Apes would say as they pointed at the large mound. . . . . . . WOW . . . .  ****** look at the size of that mole hill

I don’t want to be a mole . . . . . . . DAMN.

Oooooo that reminds me Stargazing Live with Professor Brian Cox is on the TV tonight. . .  


  1. I will be watching The Prof tonight. . . If I wrestle the remote from Mrs H. She insists on watching all the Masterchef episodes we missed whilst on Holiday.

    Not that it matters - I only had a bowl of cereal for tea tonight..... Spam pasta tomorrow. yum yum.

    1. Sausage and Chips for me Mr H and a cloudy sky even though the BBC weather man said it was clear. . . I looked and it was not I know they are trying to keep me quiet after I revealed their plot in last years Stargazing Live show. Now I know how that Jeremy Paxman (sorry Clarkson) feels.

  2. One of life's great mysteries, is why does Prof Brain Cox always look like he's smiling even when he isn't?

    1. NO Miss Lily he is smiling all the time, he has a picture in the attic that is grumpy . . . really grumpy. Much like myself I always look grumpy but that is because I am.

  3. That is something that a three headed dog would take the time to pick up a large lizard with aLL three of its mouths in a coordinated manner. I can hear the conversation now as mouth/head #1 says "we go on three, and ... one" then the second mouth/head goes "two" and the third mouth/head goes "three!!!". Life is a beautiful things.
