Saturday, 28 February 2015

Aprils A to Z . . . . . An update on my Master Plan

Pondering and writing the Greatest ever A to Z series for the very popular Blogging A to Z in April is hard work.  You see I am in the process of creating The A to Z of Completely Unknown Victorian Inventors and Explorers.  EASY I hear folk say but it is not as easy as it sounds because I not only have to  invent and draw a whole load of new inventions as well as explore some new places that the Victorians had not explored (yes real ones not made places up, that’s cheating).  I have also had to create interesting yet vaguely plausible life stories that will make folk think . . . . . OOOOOO this is interesting I will come back and read a bit more about this rather odd bunch of Victorian Scientific sort of chaps (and Women). Gosh this is probably the greatest April A to Z I have ever read. . . . .  On top of that there will be a subtle interlinking underlining tale to some (but not all) the letters. O yes as I have said in my own slightly modest way this is going to be the greatest April A to Z in the World EVER. . .

Anyway in order to keep the punters amused in the meantime as I am still deep in the process of DIY and other stuff I am digging out an old A to Z post from way back so that new folk can get a flavour of how I work. Sort of bearing in mind this years A to Z is entirely different in every way entirely

So here is an Oldie for you . . . . . the Letter P

It has been PERISHINGLY cold today with PERSISTENT PETULANT PIERCING rain PENETRATING the PORES of the POOR folk walking their PEKINESE in the PARK, it was PREDICTED so why they have to PUNISH themselves is rather PECULIAR, and the PEKINESE looked PERISHED and PUFFED out anyway.

In school today we were discussing the PRINCIPLES of Architecture and in PARTICULAR the Famous PERPLEXED PINEAPPLE PAGODA of PERSIA built by the PRINCE of PERSIA in the 15th century at the PEAK of his POWERS.  It is apparently known as the PERPLEXED PINEAPPLE because of the POLYMORPHIC PLEBEIAN PERPENDICULAR PITCHED PILLARED PIVOTING Staircase that PENETRATES the PINEAPPLE PAGODAS PRESTIGIOUS Crown. The dog incidentally says “POPPYCOCK and I could write what I know about Architecture on a PIECE of PAPER the size of a PEANUT in big letters”. All I can say is POOOOOO, the dog is just a POSY PROTAGONIST, what the dog fails to take into account is all the readers know less that I do about the Famous PERPLEXED PINEAPPLE PAGODA of PERSIA. And anyway If that very nice Steven Spielberg is going to make the block buster movie (sorry the sequel to the block buster movie) then a PRESTIGIOUS PANORAMIC location is a PRIORITY.

Interestingly the PERPLEXED PINEAPPLE PAGODA was built as a PIGEON Loft for the PRINCES PRIZED POISONOUS PERUVIAN PUFF PIGEONS who would PROMENADE importantly in the PINNACLES of its crown. Mr PLANT the Architecture lecturer said it was quite PLAUSIBLE that the PAGODA was built as a PLEASURE facility and………..

It was at this POINT that the lesson came to an abrupt halt when Esmeralda’s PYROTECHNICS’ PANICKED the PUPILS and they PUSHED out of the doors towards the PUB for a PORK PIE. It was all a bit chaotic until PETER the landlord of the PUB started PLAYING his bagpipes……. A sort of PIE PIPER…… Mmmmmm I have always wondered where the meat in his PIES came from???......... ……. ……. ……YUM

Ooooooo by the way Captain Flint the PARROT says “PIECES of Eight ……… POLLY needs a POO”

So much for the PRINCIPLES of good taste……. really   


  1. Fascinating post from a previous A/Z. Lots of work to put them together I do believe! Good luck with this year's theme/thoughts you want to do!


    1. Thanks for calling by Betty for reasons linked to a song that happens to be in my head I would like to say

      Betty you can call me Al. . . .

  2. It must be rather hard to write this if everyone has to be named Victor. It does say 'Victorian Inventors', so I think it would be just fine to include people named Ian as weLL. I also have a nephew named Victor, but I am not sure he as invented anything. I just realized that Victor and I share a common fact, that we are both the oldest brother of three brothers in a family. I go through periods of inventing things and it doesn't seem like I have invented anything lately, as my creative efforts lately have focused on design, which is somewhat inventive. I have taken a break from biochemistry and biology to spend time in Russian studies, mainly language. I hope you are fine and I look forward to reading your AtoZ.

    1. I never thought of Victor Ian which is a sign that I am not the chap I used to be. I do have a Russian inventor among the twenty six who is called Igor Ivanovich who ends up with a bicycle wheel on his head. I know it sounds all a bit mad but there is a good reason for this as poor old Igor does in fact go mad.

      I am presently OK, and on Antibiotics as I have not entirely recovered from the Man Flu. As for inventing things it is not as easy as I thought it would be, the first five or six things were not too bad but after that it has got tricky particularly as I am inventing alphabetically. . . . . . PHEW

    2. Curious ... I wonder how close to filling up the alphabet with things did Thomas Alva Edison come.

    3. He was rather clever, but I dont think he completed the entire alphabet.

    4. I looked down through his list of 1,093 patents and could not find a word in any title that began with a Z. There was something naughty sounding called a Sextuplex Telegraph.

    5. I am not on the list yet Mr ESB I am planning to add myself near the bottom of the list nearer April

  3. Cannot wait to read your A-Z entries Mr Z. They are always the most original of the bunch, and that's saying a lot considering how many entrants there are.

    1. It will start quietly with the letter A and then liven up before petering out in a jumble of gibberish and madness. . . . Much like my own life as it happens.
