Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Homeopathic global weather activating receptors, Natural Global Homeopathy , hail and the cat

Once a year the cats are given a jab at the vet to stop them getting Bubonic plague or something of a similar nature, today was Heavy Harry the Cats turn, so off he went to the vets. And met the same vet he met last year who interestingly enough remembered Heavy Harry the Cat because as the vet said he is a big muscular cat.  Anyway it all went surprisingly well and the vet still has two arms and all his fingers and Heavy Harry is back home prowling the borders of his territory. Our old black car was also due for an MOT today and we all said farewell this morning as we had decided that it would be doomed but amazingly it its fine, back and looking chirpy (sorry Chipped).

We were discussing the weather again at school today partly because this is Britain and it is what we do anyway, and partly because it is being very erratic at present. This I’m sure is to do with dads rain machine, he will insist on tinkering with it every now and again but the dog says other factors are at work.

According to the dog homeopathic global weather activating receptors are being unwittingly moved around the globe by human beings and human activity, and in the same way as many of us use the natural cures of homeopathy to cure ourselves of stuff. So the weather can also be affected by homeopathy through the use of homeopathic global weather activating receptors. These are particular items that represent certain conditions in particular places in the world and once moved even in tiny quantities can affect the weather (Natural Global Homeopathy or N.G.H.). The Dog even told me to take a few laurel leaves and a toga to school as part of a grand experiment.

The geography teacher then made me dress up in the toga and stand in the middle of the playground at lunch time as part of this grand experiment with the laurel leaves on my head, the next thing I knew is, I am being stabbed in the back by driving hail. The geography teacher said he was very disappointed, because he had a twenty five pound bet with the dog that it would remain sunny.  I was rather annoyed because I not only looked like an IDIOT standing in the hail like that vegetarian emperor bloke who had a meal named after him…. What’s his name……..  Julius Caesar (he was stabbed in the back by hail also apparently).  But the grand experiment I was undertaking was merely the result of the dog and the geography teacher having a quiet bet on some hair brained theory of the dogs.  And who thought up the saying Hair brained in the first place, although in the case of the dog it is very apt.

Anyway that is it again for tonight as I am making the legs now for the Cultural Olympiad and they are complex. I am planning to make him the first four minute poet…



  1. I got really excited when I looked out of the window this morning and saw that is was sunny, but I should have known better. I also shouldn't have been surprised when it started hailing 10 minutes later. Good old British weather!

    1. Yes it was very much like that here. Toga's and rain do not mix well I can see why the style of dress never caught on in the UK

  2. At first, I though that first line read, 'Once a year the cats are given a job at the vet, which would have made perfect sense in a blog such as this.

    Time to start wearing my reading glasses methinks.

    1. Yes I have to wear glasses all the time, if I don't I cant read anything on the monitor of my Pc or the keyboard in fact all writing less than about 5-6 inches tall is a bit of a no no. I have a digital clock with very large numbers which helps at night but then in the morning I cant find my glasses.

      I am OK once I am wearing them and can see fine but cant spell or type then, I'm sure I spell and type fine without my glasses but then I don't know what I have written.

  3. I think J Caesar said, "Ate, too brutal" to describe a meal.

    I am trying to survive today. I had to repair a sun tanning bed. It was very unrestful for work involving a bed. The bottom sheet of plastic had cracked, and it required taking it about 3/4 of the way apart working in a tiny room. So I feel tiny roomed completely.

    1. Did you know Mr J Caesar was the inventor of the Toga-war game. Good luck in the tiny room but somewhere there is an old saying that goes " One must make ones sun-bed and lie in it", I am not aware of a saying that says "one must take ones sun-bed apart and work in it".

  4. I thought someone was messing with the weather! Now I have the proof.

    Here, across the pond in the colony of Canada, we had a lot less snow than is normal. At least for our part. Most distressing.

    Now, the weather is about 20°C and sunny, most days.

    I hope you have a decent summer, and don't run out of water at the Olympic Games.

    1. The Olympic games have been designated a water priority event in an area of the UK where water levels are still low. Despite all the rain in the last month.

      So even if the rest of us are down to bottled water, cuing at the stand pipes while granny shrivels up in the sun; the Olympics will look just Hunky Dory.

      I suspect the reality might be that it will rain non-stop from the opening ceremony right to the end, just like the tennis at Wimbledon

  5. Hail in the back...unjust I'd say..but there goes the Caesar likeness. Unjust.

    1. Indeed and as someone once said "What did the Romans ever do for us"

  6. So if I want it to rain, all I need are some energised crystals! My turnips will be the best at the next county fair!

    1. Turnips and the county fair Mr Addman I was not expecting that. But I wish you luck. I prefer parsnips myself but I am not a great fan of root veggies really.

      Now look here Mr Addman we are talking gardening now, this is terrible I will lose my street cred.....
