Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The Radical Abstract Thinkers of cyberspace

As almost none of you know or wish to know or care about some time ago I started the small elitist cyberspace group called The Radical Abstract Thinkers (RATs). A group who I feel have that slightly quirky way of thinking that leads us to look at the world in a slightly different way. So far there are three of us Myself because it is my gang NA NA NA NA NA NA NA, then Miss Lilly and then Mr H..... I will get some links here when I have a bit more time, right now I am in the middle of Car Mechanics at school and we have just hot wired the headmasters car.

Anyway I have decided to add a new member to the group. He has no choice in the matter once you're in you're in until I say you're not in, then you are out. So our new member is Mr ESB I feel his logic on lifetime paint shows great promise and so there you go Mr ESB but remember we need to see this new logic reflected in your own blogs so no more sensible stuff or else.


  1. Aww Rob Z, you put the first smile on my face today. Honoured that I'm still a member of 'RATS,' especiallly along with the wonderful Mr.H.

    May I be the first...well second because you've already welcomed him first, therefore rendering the, 'may I be the first,' part of this particular sentence rather redundant, Mr Esbboston to this illustrious group, that no one else knows about.

    Right I'm off, got people to do and things to see...I think that's right. :)

  2. Well, I ... Am just ... so hum bled, which is a fractured form of humbled to be included in your group, to be the Fourth. So that is the Ringo Starr of numbers, right?

  3. If its any help in the 'proof' department of strange ideas and logic, I am offering wikipedia service for the English language while wikipedia has decided to turn itself off for 24 hours. I can be global like that. It reminds me of the time as a chemist when I certified all the 80 Octane Fuel for my company which then sold that fuel as a knock engine calibration to all the other companies in the world that did that sort of thing. I believe the time period was about seven years. So my superhero name would be IC8NC7 Man. Or you can call me 'Ringo', as I know how to get by with a little help from my friends.

  4. I just realized that you could have palindromes for names if you changed your middle name to an O word giving 'Rob O Tobor' or if you like your Z name and wish to go to four legal names like I have, ESBB, then you could add 'Ot' as a second name which would the produce Rob Ot Z Tobor. As the word 'robot' is from the Czech word for 'work' or 'worker', I would say this works for me. Unless having a backwards robot undoes the work of the forward robot, we could ask Will Smith the actor.

  5. cool! im in a gang. do we get to go on adventures and solve 1950's style minor crimes? i hope cos although the old guy who lives next door has neve commited a crime he most definatly looks like a criminal of some sort.

  6. the Z stands for Zillion who was another robot but is now a witch on FB who writes poetry a bit. Life is complex.

  7. Hello Mr H we could solve crime like those pesky kids did in scooby doo ..... the old guy next door always did it in their stories while he hunted for the money from the bank job that the ferret committed back in the day, but then accidently got himself run over (the ferret) by a van before he could tell the rest of the gang were if was hidden.

  8. *sigh* Typical, the only girl in the group being ignored...boys.

  9. Fear not Miss Lily remember this, the RATs only exists in the first place because of both your and Mr H's Blogs. So No Lily, No RATs. That is a compliment but somehow No Lily No RATs just sounds a bit wrong. On the other hand that is what being a RAT is all about, being wrong? Do I mean that I don't think so ........ Anyone got some cheese Eeeek.


  11. I have encouraged my friend MOV, who feels she could never be a RAT, to create her own group called MOUSE, where the M stands for MOV and the OUSE is her's to pick. I asked her if I could be a part of her group, as this would make me a RAT and MOUSE! How ro-dent-ially perfect is that?

  12. Your Friend MOV writes a very good Blog and I can see how see feels she could not be a RAT but I have though that it would be good to have The Friends of the RATs or something like that but it is early days and I need another cup of tea and cake.

    I like MOVs blog she is as prolific as I am at present which is Cool. I just need more time to do all the stuff I do so I don't get to read other blogs as much as I should or would like too. Dam the real world full of stuff to do, and a day only being a day long.
