Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Auntie Karen, Ian the Musical Hat Maker and the Russian ballet dancer

So I am able to return to all the various portholes in the fabric of time space and cyberspace having finally escaped the strange A to Z alphabet world. As some will be aware if I am going to do something like that then, if I can I will do it over the top making life difficult for myself. It is the nature of the beast. Mum says IDIOT

So today is far more chilled although I am aware that I do have the deadline of the 14th June for the manufacture of the Montgomery Cardboard Robot Club Cultural Olympian for a big grand show and as things stand he is so far just a hand.

OK back to the diary Auntie Karen and Ian the Musical Hat Maker came to see us today, and had lunch, and we discussed the world and various things of interest like, do Russian Ballet dancers make good waiters. I can hear some of you thinking WHAT? But recently in the heart of Mid- Wales Auntie Karen and Mr Ian were staying in a posh hotel (it’s what famous rock stars do) where it appeared that one of the waiters appeared to be a ballet dancer according to Auntie Karen. I think he may have been a Russian spy searching for the famous Welsh rare bits due to a slight error in translation.

It was a good day as Auntie Karen and Ian the Musical Hat Maker are jolly good fun and we all need cheering up, bearing in mind the weather, which is wet and more wet in the last week. It is nice to see Mr Ian not walking in circles and he appears to be taller Mmmmmmm?

For those of you who have wondered where I had gone and if I was returning, well guess what

I HAVE RETURNED (sort of …….a bit) 

For those of you back at the blog........ Yes I'm sorry I am still hear

Auntie Karen 


  1. I'd like to hear more about the waiter/ ballet dancer/spy.

    1. I know little of him only what I was told but he is a real person working in a posh hotel in Mid-Wales.

  2. A prolific, peppy, party in a post. Oh I know, I am not a writer, but I surely do enjoy your writing. I laughed much and I haven't read everything but some of us are good at being the audience to you super bloggers...Thanks..Mary

    1. I am just a humble blogger who likes blogging having started slightly by accident, not a super blogger. But thank you for the comment and I hope you enjoy the blog as it progresses.

  3. Hahaha, you made a little p0em in the sec0nd paragraph with the w0rds 'stand' and 'hand'! Yea! Pr0ud 0f y0u!

    WeLL, it is time f0r me t0 get 0ut 0f bed and make c0ffee and then I can return t0 y0ur third pair 0f graphs.

    1. Well I dont know what to say
      Except Mr ESB, you have made my day


      Hope it was a good coffee, I suspect it was I feel this is something you don't leave to chance. Although even in the making of Coffee there is that tiny element of unpredictability (0.09539976 roughly)

  4. Your Aunty Karen sounds awesome. I'm envious of her face paint!

    1. Yes she is indeed awesome. And that was a rather good face paint job that was done. They do like to do these thing properly in Wales.....
