Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Rodin and Rodan, Jan van Eyck and thinking outside the box

Well the town was full of people and cars today, it is always the same when there is a sale of rare medieval antiquates and objeda or as mum still insists on calling it RUBBISH. There was no stuffed seals in glass cases this time so the rather strange image of last time, as it crossed the road heading off to a new home was not repeated. 

As for me I was busy moving our artwork from the walls to a safe location away from the house so that it can then be moved to the new house once it is all sorted, (well sorted a bit) mum and dad have quite a lot of artwork what with the Degas, Constable, Picasso’s, Jan van Eyck’s and Rodan (no that not right it should be Rodin). Rodan is an entirely different thing all together.  And then there is all the stuff by other artists that none of you will have heard of yet, which mum says will be very valuable in a thousand years time. ? Well that sounds a bit too long even for a young whipper snapper (?) like me, I will be well old by then. Mum has just said IDIOT, she wont say that in a thousand years HA HA HA HAHah hahaha hha hahaha h hahaha hah Ooowowwwwww mum has just hit me with the armadillo toaster now.

Then I moved boxes to a new location so we can move boxes to the location I have moved boxes from so that in two weeks time we can move all the boxes to a new location.

Talking of boxes my very good friend the Ex professional proofreader said that she thought my manuscript for book one might be better looked at by someone still in the trade of proofreading and contacted a friend and gave them a  quick rundown on what my diary is about. Well they think 170,000 words is well too long and that it should be edited down to something a little more manageable and a few chapters zapped ……….. WHAT.  I think these people might just have the wrong end of the stick (covered comprehensively in book one before it was professionally edited). This book (Book One not this Book which is Book Two) is all about thinking outside the box, Blue sky thinking or as it is Blue Sky Printing. Although the print will probably be black, lets face it; it usually is. Anyway Miss Vicky I may just send my slender volume, Book One to be read by the person just so they can say WHAT …………………… IDIOT.  Before throwing it in a bin, much in the same fashion as the very nice Steven Spielberg did. And look what happened to him when he did that ……… I cant remember myself DAM. And it’s been edited out now. Mum just said IDIOT again.

Rodan not Rodin (not quite the same)


  1. Just in case you turn up late at night here instad of being in bed sleeping ........ Naughty Miss Lily go to bed and get some sleep.

    Anon otherwise known as the stupid laptop

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! I've been caught!!
