Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The end of the A to Z and how to bury the Hatchets . . . .

As we all know the internet has a group of creatures living in it called Bloggers, these creatures live in the dark tapping away at keyboards looking at little monitors, creating a little world for themselves in the open spaces of cyberspace. Like they did in the early days of the Wild West when the homesteaders would create a cosy home and chase cows.

But here in cyberspace there are no cows to chase so folk (The Bloggers) get all confused and lose their way and fall through a huge black hole, something that I don’t think happened in the Wild West. However one day a wise man had an idea, he was one of the Bird men and as we know ideas hatch in the minds of Bird men; his idea was to have an alphabet letters chase where the Bloggers could chase a different letter each day. So now each year in April a new herd of letters from A to Z are released and we all chase them like demonic typists in a typing pool (not one with water in).

Once we catch all the letters, there is an A to Z for everyone we cheer and make merry and have hotdogs and hot chocolate with march mallows (well I do) and tell stories of how we almost caught this huge Y but it escaped and we just ended up with regular Y’s like everyone else. And how the B hid in the undergrowth and you almost missed it, and we all laugh HAH HAH AH HAH HA HAH HAH AH hah ah ah ahahah hahhah ha hahah ha ha ha ha ha ha

But it is May now and the letters need to be put away again which is what I am doing today, you see this idea having been hatched is still new to many of the Bloggers and of course we all know that a young Hatch is called a Hatchet. And there is a very old and well known saying created for disposing of young hatched ideas once there are not needed again (until next April ) which goes . . . . . . . . . To Bury the Hatchet . . . . . .

So outside in the garden while doing other things of which I will speak in a minute, I have been burying the alphabet in the veggie patch to see if later in the year I can get a really good crop of Peas  ……..

HAH HAH HAH HAH AHH HAHA HAHH HAH ah ah ha hahahh ahah ah ahahah hah ah ahah hah hah ah hah aha hahah ha

I need a cup of Tea . . . . HAH HAH HA hah ah hahh ahah h ahaha hah.

So I have now disposed of all my letters so if you wish to see them, (mine were fairy tales) they are now part of the Blogging Underground, a place where RATs live . . . . . .   The Radical Abstract Thinkers . . . membership by invitation only, and rather exclusive to boot (where did that little saying come from, very odd)   

News from the real world

It is May, it is sunny and it has been a warm day almost like summer, how did that happen and I have been busy with the wonders of woodwork making a compost  bin sort of thing to move the compost from one pile to another. Apparently compost likes to move although to look at it you would think it would like to just stay in a pile and do nothing, much like myself.
Anyway having completed my woodwork task dad decided I should test it so I had to move all the compost from the old pile into its new fancy scientifically designed container (designed by me). And all the compost from the bottom of the old pile to a new raised herb garden I build as a bricklaying test, it appears that everyone should build at least one brick wall in their life, although dad still has not told me why……

I can go now PHEW.



  1. I don't know what appened to my universe. I think I broke it. Yesterday it was 94 F and I fixed an AC unt that some dogs had chewed up the electrical control line. So that means that the lady's hose got cooler and the outside air got warmer .... BUT, today it is veRy cold aand sommeone is prediccting snow. All I can say is, I tried to improve the weather, but obviously failed.

    1. From 94 F to snow is a bit radical, maybe you have Radical Abstract Weather (RAW) Mr ESB, as a member of the Radical Abstract Thinkers, RATs (Just letting the passing readers know Mr ESB) it would seem rather appropriate if not ideal. I can imagine it will confuse Cooper though.

      What you need is a MK2 De-Reciprocated Steam Powered Weather Machine with thermal turbo drive, we have lovely weather now although I think the small print says something about climatic Armageddon to land on the far west when used . . . . AH yes sorry about that.

    2. I was able to find a used Detacorpicer-ed, model 5XW on eBay. Only $500 initial bid, but it soon zoooomed to $24,000. But I knew how important it was so I took the money out of Cooper's college fund. Checking for snow now ... Just a little bit of rain.

    3. Money well spent I hope your efforts to reverse the weather are successful. Although my worry is that the small print on the Detacorpicer-ed, model may lead to Armageddon on your far East.

    4. I had an interesting day, a job pre-interview. The company that first contacted me back in Jan or Feb asked me yesterday if I was stiLL interested. So maybe I wiLL be back in the programming aLL day mode. It would be an eXtremely short commute, about 3-4 minutes from my house. I told them I need to take care of my dog. So I have two potential jobs at the same time, a veRy strange development.

    5. That sounds good to me Mr ESB I hope the gods look after you and point you in the right direction. I have told them that if they don't I will give them a bad write up on my blog.

      Strangely they rolled about in hysterics and said IDIOT a lot pointing a me, It was like talking to that nice Mr Steven Spielberg again.

    6. I always almost have trueble teLLing the difference whether they are laughing at me, or with me. Then there are times as I step back and realize they are laughing at a hologram of me, and I have to think, how much would a hollow gram weigh, and then I think sum some more and real eyes it would involve thicknesses and densities and I go back to laughing at and sound them while they unknowingly have changed their laughter foci to my hollow interior not realizing it is a vacuum and sound waves don't travel in a vacuum so it means they can't hear you scream in outer space.

      Jesus gave me the gift of lasers only it iz speLLed differently with a Z. It is cool game on my iPhone. I would type the eXact name of the game but I am currently composing this message on my iPhone. We are having a bit of a going away party tonight because one of the diner help is moving back to Oklahoma, so I am making a German Chocolate Cake. WeLL, I must stop now and devote my time to washing dishes and studying C++. The weather is almost springy here.

    7. The iPhone app is caLLed Lazors.

    8. Hello Mr ESB I think I must have had an iPhone in a previous life because I am an Ex-Lazor, otherwise known as a Lazy.

      Although having said that I am off today doing Gorilla Gardening......

      I saw the C+ above and thought Ooooooooo no C+ scary I will avoid looking to protect my brain. But I also noticed German Chocolate Cake so it was a bit of a conflict, Chocolate cake abbreviated might be a C+ until it is eaten when it becomes a C-.

      OK I must away for the day now to dig and be ECO.

  2. I've been chasing those letters every April since 2010.....and enjoy doing so.

    Very clever post and well put together, I admire your wit and humour.

    1. Yes, it was a veRy fine AtoZ.

    2. I'm afraid I am just mad, well a bit mad rather than witty, and a bitter old cynic who grumbles a lot.

      And I have developed a very novel way of creating my posts by just typing as I think without really thinking about what I am typing, the results of which can amuse even me sometimes or turn into total nonsense which then involves many a happy hour trying to work out what I was trying to type, (I don't like those posts much, far too much work).

      Ooooo and Mr ESB is a chemist and Mathematical genius and I am not.....

  3. Heehee, loved the explain for the phrase 'bury the hatchet.' Ooh, maybe for the next challenge Rob Z, you could write about where certain sayings originate from.:)

    1. THE NEXT . . . . Miss Lily (and member of RATs . . for those who are not aware) what are you saying, right now. I am chilling and thinking of my slow return to to 'A' yes I have a plan to write the Z to A fairy tales, maybe once a week, but I will think about this for a few days yet.

      I thought the A to Z a bit odd this year not sure what it was, but I have two new Members of RATs Master Lil man and Mr Flip. I will have to inform Mr Flip I guess. So that will be seven in all as in the magnificent seven.

      At some point as the weather improves I will start to post a little less too, everyday is time consuming and I have other projects outside I am keen to get rolling along.

      Glad you enjoyed my alphabet exit post Miss Lily, tomorrow the Ghost Writer is back in his office so we will all be well spaced out by the evening, he is not designed to work for a living.

  4. It's scary how accurate your definition of a blogger is.

    1. As one of The Bloggers of whom I attempt to describe, I am secretly describing myself. I am using myself as the average blogger of blogging who blogs a bit more that I should.

  5. I'm glad I found you. This blog is very cool and quirky.

    1. Well that is very kind of you to say so, I am not sure that many would say its cool but a lot would say its quirky.

      And thanks for following it is much appreciated.

  6. Lol. No this blog IS cool and quirky. The definition of a blogger is spot on. Hahahahha :)

    1. You are very kind to say so, and if two of you think so I will not argue.

      Thank you for calling by.

  7. Yes, very clever! Lee would be amused. Like Yvonne, I've done this for four years now and wouldn't stop for anything. Only the first year have I struggled to catch letters. Now it is easy.

    1. I often pop by your blog and have a little look from time to time as your name crops up on many of the blogs I look at.

      But I am not that good at leaving comments on blogs, which I suspect is why I have have so few visits from the A to Z this year. I tend to go a bit overkill with the A to Z so I will have to wait and see about next year.

      Keep up the good work and good luck with the new book when if comes out.

  8. Hilarious as your posts usually are! Love all the puns, and yes, I laughed along. Good stuff.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Many thanks, I was trying to write something a little different so that it makes blog hopping slightly more interesting .. . . ...

  9. You have such a great style and I was grinning all the way through reading this post. Love it :).
    Tasha's Thinkings

    1. Thank you; you are very kind to say so. I am now struggling getting to A to Z blogs as I have a lot going on, and as I blog everyday, free time is limited.

      But many thanks for taking the time to visit.

  10. This is one of the best reflection posts I've read so far!
    I'm with you.... phew.... it's over... until next year!
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. I like to feel it is different, too many of them said the same things.

      I must say you have a lot of followers. Well done.
