Friday, 12 April 2013

King Kevin and Kate the keeper of knowledge.

The Slightly eccentric A to Z blogging adventure of unknown and rather unpopular Modern fairy tales

 King Kevin and Kate the keeper of knowledge

King Kevin the king of the kingdom was a kind king, a knowledgeable king of all known things. His Knights were as keen as a kittiwake with a kipper and kept King Kevin safe in his Khaki Kastle (sorry Castle), then one day Ken the Knight and keeper of the royal ketch (a small ship) moored on the Klondike river announced he suffered from claustrophobia  AH damn that is not a K word, the Kat said it was. He suffered from kakorrhaphiophobia (a fear of failure) and from kenophobia (a fear of empty spaces), ate crispy kingfishers and wore a kilt and was also a bit of a kill joy at parties.  King Kevin was confused the Knights had never complained of aliments before and was slightly put out of kilter. So the king put on a kettle of water to make tea, kicked the kat (sorry cat) and called Kate the keeper of knowledge and kitchen knifes and asked her to communicate to him with candour and calm using  kyriolexy (the use of literal expression) what he should do.

However Kate the keeper of knowledge and kitchen knifes said to the king, King Kevin that the constant use of words starting in the letter K was killing the tale so King Kevin said OK and everyone ate kohlrabi soup with ketchup, kelp, kippers, kebabs, Kale and then chased a kangaroo about for a while, then curled up and had a kip (sleep)

Kricky that was a Kliff Klanger (sorry hanger) I don’t think I Kan do that again…….Phew.

Sorry that was a rubbish story I think I had a serious blank with K. 




  1. I think you did really well, there were a few words I'd never heard of in that one! Very creative :)

    1. You are kind to call it creative I feel the word really should be chaotic....

  2. Replies
    1. Many thanks Mr Flip it is good to see you returning to my humble blog, it is much appreciated.

  3. We keep our cans of candour and calm near the door. You might think the candour is from Canada and the calm from Colombia, but the opposite is true, they both are made of China.

    1. Welcome Mr ESB I hope you are feeling a little better, you do sound much better in your typing. I would like a can of calm, I think calm in a can would sell like hot cakes. I am a bit concerned about the Columbian can of calm made of china, those Colombians do have a bit of a drug problem. Was the can made in china.

    2. Sorry I appear to have created questions and not answers

  4. I am coming to yourescue: I discovered that claustrophobia in Turkish is a K word klostrofobi

    1. Question: Would a kenkenophobia be a fear of Ken finding himself (or herself) in an empty space?

    2. Ah you are feeling your old self again Mr ESB, I am sure Mrs ESB and Cooper must be very happy.

      And Ummmmmmm, Yes you are Klearly Korrect

    3. Yes, I think I am, but someone at the diner tonight (yes, I am here twice today) confused me with someone who used to live here and frequent the diner long before I did. I need to write my blog post story about this mistaken identity. I finaLLy feel like writing something. I have a new Arduino computer coming soon, as I am ready to start playing with the first one dedicated to my business environment and security processes.

    4. Good luck with that new Arduino Mr ESB

  5. Kudos on such a difficult letter. Although my tongue nearly fell out of my mouth, reading this one out loud. :)

    1. K is a tricky letter and much harder that it might at fist appear, I learnt this last year and If I do this mad A to Z thing again next year I fear K will go Kaput. Reading these out aloud is a duty beyond the call so well done Miss Lily.

  6. I have enjoyed this tales but hadnt commented much BUT how could I not comment on Kate the Keeper of Knowledge and Knives - must be my alter ego :D So glad you didnt mention the Karaoke King Kraken ;)

    1. Karaoke King Kraken . . . . an awesome thought indeed maybe next year an A to Z of super hero tales. And thanks for continuing to follow my slightly quirky blog and indeed my slightly quirky followers whose comments are as important to the blog as me (well almost, but not quite).

  7. Kakorrhaphiophobia is a glorious word :D
