Monday, 8 April 2013

Ghosts, Goats and Gannets . . . . . (Be Warned this fairy tale includes Guillemots)

The Slightly eccentric A to Z blogging adventure of unknown and rather unpopular Modern fairy tales

G Ghosts, Goats and Gannets

Granny Grumpy was a Grumpy Granny eating gruel and grumbling about ghosts, goats and gannets galloping about in the garden ruining her greens, Granny Grumpy liked fresh Greens in her Gruel. One day the Ghosts Gannets and Goats said “why are you so grumpy granny you were always good and gave us grapes and gooseberries”. Granny Grumpy said “My grandchildren do not get   to see me due to the great gargantuan distance away they live”. The  Ghosts, Gannets and Goats said “Gosh we will help, we will go and get your grandchildren as a group”, So the goats let the Grandchildren sit on their backs while the gannets guided then back to Granny Grumpy; Guarded by the ghosts on the great journey.

Golly Gosh” . . . . . .  shouted the Grandchildren as they saw Granny, and “Greta, Georges and Gwenn” . . . . . shouted Granny Grumpy and all was good as they ate Gruel grapes greens and gooseberries and drank gallons of ginger beer in the garden and the gannets, Ghosts and goats gambled (sorry gambolled) about grinning.

Then a great gathering of Guillemots gathered giving no indication of their ghastly plan, then as there numbers grew and grew they swooped, and they ate the ghosts and then they ate the gannets and they ate the goats.

Granny Grumpy and the grandchildren were gobsmacked but then the gathering of guillemots ate the grandchildren and Granny Grumpy and the grapes and the gooseberries, gruel, greens and ginger beer before going; and everything was gone and no one lived happily ever after, except the guillemots, although they do say you will never see a happy guillemot in your garden.



  1. I wiLL have to comtemplate how one would gamble about grinning. And then I thought, hmm, if it was goats doing it, maybe the it was gamboling instead of gambling, what little I have observed goats in the domestic stockyard of my father-in-law.

    1. I used the Translate feature near the top right side of your blog this morning. I just finished doing some Welsh, now I am going to try Portuguese. How handy.

    2. Oooo thanks for spotting the error I think the world has grown bored of my tales and have run off gambolling or even gambling. I will go and amend the error right now, it could make all the difference between fame and fortune and obscurity . . . . . I just have a feeling I know which one of those is going to turn up seeing how the letter F has passed by.

    3. I kinda like the idea of them gamboling and gambling, perhaps even gambling on who could gambol the best. I later thought of a new sport caLLed gam bowling. It's like regular bowling eXcept you use used legs of manicans for pins.

    4. If they were trendy manicans if would be glam bowling

    5. I suDDenly realized several days later that I had speLLed mannequins incorrectly. I wiLL get caught up on my reading later today, been under the weather .... Doing a little better today. I think this is my first day to leave the house since Saturday (?).

    6. Good to see you back Mr ESB, I was stating to think it is not like you not to be about. I hope you are feeling 100% soon, I guess Cooper will be pleased to see you feeling better.

      As for the spelling well it is of no importance on this blog, I normally never notice anyway.

      Take care

  2. I've always hated GUILLEMOT's. If I knew what they were. Great story.

    1. Yes like the old saying Sea Bird Eat Bird, OK it is not a very old saying in fact it is a brand new saying that I have just said, and rather a good one as long as you are not a vegetarian.

      Even fish don't like Guillemot's apparently the 'A Guillemot Ate My Mum' tee shirts are selling well to herrings at present..... OK I lie....

  3. Well it's good to see that no-one lived happily ever after. This is such an indictment on the realities of our existentialist way of living.

    Oh I do love dictionaries. :)

    1. Oooo Hello Miss Lily indeed and this cyberspace place is a fascinating wonder of words, and cats doing silly thing on video.
