Saturday, 31 March 2012

The Alternative Olympic Art Show in June and still loads of stuff to do YICKS

The weather is not so warm today, it is typical as we all start to think Easter and we can sit in our deck chairs on the forecourt of the petrol station just in case. I’m sure someone on one of the weather forecasts said the snow word yesterday. SNOW?

Anyway today’s diary entry is short because tomorrow I will be starting the A to Z challenge for real on the blog. So in order not to bore those of you not following the blog and who view me through the other mediums of Cyberspace I will not be posting the A to Z stuff everywhere and will post a few pictures and the like to let you know I am still about instead. I will not be away for long. I’m sure no one will notice anyway

I still have the sculpture to finish too for the Alternative Olympic Art show in June and have only just started really so YICKS ……  BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY 



  1. Hold it, you are going to be ..away.. ..far.. ?

    i followed your instructions yesterday and had the onion rings. But I didn't feel well all night long, unable to go to sleep until around 5 AM. But I am not blaming you, unless of course you wish to take the blame.

    1. Oh, the person who is the waiter 'J' who gave me the onion rings knows about you from reading my Blog and seeing your comments but I am not sure if he reads your blog as well. I will have to ask him.

    2. I am still very much here as this is the home of A to Z. I plan to use more A's B's C's etc. than anyone else so keep watching the skies........

    3. It was not me by the way who chopped down the Cherry Tree is was someone else who looked a bit like me and I have never seen that onion (sorry axe) before in my life.
