Thursday, 2 February 2012

there is much we don’t know, there is much we will never know and will never want to know or will never understand it anyway if we did know

Last night the moon had a large hallo and I did take a picture of it, for some strange reason all my readers are demanding proof these days, really what is the world coming too.  And today due to persistence and the curious mind of the cat (as a species) our cat catching device caught a cat. It was the cat we thought would be caught by the cat catcher and after an introduction to the mushroom sprayer he was freed back to the wild.

He was a bit wild himself then and slightly damp, he is a nice cat, a large black and white cat but just how many cats can we feed because there are loads more of them out on the perimeter of our home, their little eyes twinkling in the darkness.  Some might say it is not PC to soak a cat but we suspect he will turn up again with a Mac (HA HAH Hah hhah hah hah hahh hahh hahah hhah ha that is a geek computer cat joke not an Eek joke about a mouse HA HAH HAH hah hah hhah hahhah ha hha)

School continues to teach us that there is much we don’t know and as the science teachers continue to tell us there is much we will never know and will never want to know or will never understand it anyway if we did know about it, so what is the point. And that after eighteen blackboards and one hundred and seventeen feet three inches of white chalk it is all very annoying to keep having the goal posts moved about, what with new curriculums, exams and bloody governments departments interfering with the syllabus; so that chemistry is now to hard for his students to spell yet alone manage to mix up a nice volatile mix of highly explosive chemicals which only ends up with his best students being held by MI6 for three months.

I think the teacher was having a bad day luckily Esmeralda did manage to explode her desk towards the end of the science lesson so the teacher cheered up loads.

Apparently I have heard that Miss Fionaski the Famous Russian Spy who is part of the great Mushroom experiment has succeeded in growing huge buzzing flapping creatures; I knew it would all end in Strange Alien Creatures from the planet Venus, although I had not planned on them taking to the air. The dog thinks they are going to seed all the clouds with snow and bring mankind (well the UK) to a grinding halt so they can take over and turn us all into mutant zombies unable to spell simple words like chemistry or science. Making us work in Starbucks and Tesco pandering to their every need and that of the humble cat as a intergalactic practical joke which has mushroomed out of control.  Mum has said I am not to write about this as the government are trying to keep the lid on things …………….AH 



  1. What a dangerous statement: "there is much we will never know and will never want to know" because it makes me want to ask - "what do we not know that if we did know it we wouldn't want to know" because how do we know we dont want to know it if we don't know it, y'know?

    ow. my head hurts...

    1. I dont know but if I did know it might be best if I kept it to myself but then if I do that you dont know if I know and am not telling or I just dont know. So MMMMMMMMM

      my head hurts too I think?

  2. @ Bumferry Hogart, "eh?"

    Rob Z, my query is this, as a vegetarian, if I am to become one of the living dead ie a Zombie, would the eating of brains no longer classify me as a vegetarian?

    I'm not even sure what food group brains actually comes under. Just because I'm a zombie, through no fault of my own I might add, does this mean that I should let my moral standards slip?

    I would be most grateful if you could provide an answer in only the way that you can. Thank you.

    1. Well Miss Lily I don't think you should believe everything you see in a zombie movie after all they are movies. One day a very nice Mr Steven Spielberg will make a block buster movie about an eccentric child in cyberspace with a vegetarian zombie friend who lusts after leaping Athletes in the middle of the night and can crush Daleks with one hand.

      I think it is time that the nice Mr Speiberg got a move on really, now the horse has done a runner. Or it will take years to read the script

  3. While studying submachine guns the other day, came across a company named KRISS that makes a better product than most, including the M16. Their new system changes the direction of the recoil so there is less rise of the muzzle as the weapon is shooting in an automatic mode. Plus they use a popular powerful 45 ACP ammunition. Oh, I just realized you spelled MI6 in your story, not M16. Well, the KRISS weapon might be good for the MI6 folks. Now, back to finish reading your post ....

    WordVeri: unhag

    1. Thank you Mr ESB your knowledge is awesome my blog will be the new Wierdapedia and it will all be down to you and your hard work.

    2. While reading the rest of your blog post I fell asleep and had a dream where I was getting something small round and brown out of a vending machine and right after getting SRAB something the vending machine dumped a whole bunch of very large purple plums on the floor. I tried to find someone in my dream to fix the vending machine but no one could repair it or eXplain what was wrong. The number of plums was approximately 16, I don't know whether that number will help you out or not in devising a solution to the problem.

  4. Regards to you all and thanks for following my little tale and your comments
