Thursday, 16 February 2012

A day in the life of a mushroom and the cat that can walk on water.

Well what has happened today first we have harvested the first mushroom and it will be eaten tonight as part of a mushroom omelette. Now I personally like mushroom omelette, but I know not everyone is a fan so I will not linger on the subject …….. YUM.  

Yes this is the mushroom I grew WELL COOL

I have taken several photos of the sky today, for my back up book The Sky from the Earth because we all know what that very nice man Steven Spielberg is like. As it happens when in discussion the other night someone said War Horse was like Black Beauty. So mmmm ….. I think I will give it a miss.

The sky this morning at 8:30am or there abouts  

The dog has just said what’s that Skippy, the horse fell down the old mine shaft and is now rolling about on the kitchen floor in hysterics.  OK yes the Sky from the Earth (the alternative book) ….. For some strange reason we don’t know we keep getting stripy skies here. I am sure a meteorologist would be able to say AH yes that’s due to Bar Cold from the north or something like that, but sadly I do not have any  meteorologists as friends anywhere in cyberspace so I  can only speculate. The dog has now added there ASDA be a good reason for this reason for this and is in Hysterics again, although mum has added IDIOT.

Our classic 1970's bungalow with loads of solar panels on the roof

The solar panels are working as they should work and dad says we have earned three quid (that’s pounds to my international readers) and bearing in mind it has been overcast and it is February, the middle of the British winter, he recons that is fairly good. In the summer he says we will be able to turn everything on in the house and still have power to spare, I am not sure that is quite what you are meant to do.

Finally, and luckily I have a witness to this Sooty the Cat was sat rather close to the edge of the pond at one point today. And Heavy Harry the Cat saw an opportunity to sort of give him a nudge, which he did. Sooty fell in the pond which is about three feet deep but he did not sink and get soaked as we thought he would, no he ran very very fast across the pond like in a cartoon getting out the other side with only wet legs. Neither me or my witness know how the hell he did that, and I don’t have it on camera either but he did run across the water and got out the other side????????? Very strange. I have asked my witness to this event to confirm this, and they have said unless I get twenty pounds by midnight I will say it’s a lie ……………………………..AH, not what I was hoping for.



  1. Gasp! Solar panels! Those are on my life wish list. Build a nice big wall and you'll be totally set for the zombie apocalypse.

    1. Welcome Miss Stephanie ..... Solar panels are cool but this is the UK so come zombie apocalypse I feel it may be dark skies even darker than they are normally.

      I just youtubed zombie apocalypse I think I might need to start that wall quite soon.

  2. I seriously hate mushrooms. I actually can't believe that the one in the pic is's huge!

    Oh and amazing pic of the sky..!

    GM x

    1. Yep real mushroom and real sky my little camera is not capable of doing trick stuff. You are not alone with your view of mushrooms I have another follower who I know thinks the same.

  3. So that's what alien mushrooms from Mars look like?!

    1. Yo Miss Lily hows things, yes the beast was getting to big to handle so drastic action was needed (Venus by the way I don't want to confuse folk with incorrect data)

    2. Sorry Rob Z, it's Mars. The Lil man has this notion that mushrooms are from Mars and Eggs are from Europa the recently discovered planet...well recently discovered a few years ago...which isn't really recent then is it?

    3. Maybe when the Lil man gets a bit older he can write the book "Mushrooms are from Mars and Eggs are from Europa" as his replay to that other well known book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

      Mum says that men are from Mars as there is some indication of signs of simple life, and women are Venus because they are all hot stuff. Me dad and the Captain Flint the Parrot are nodding in agreement although Captain flint has added HAR HAR HAR HARDY HAR PIECES OF EIGHT.

    4. REPLY not replay ..... really stupid PC

  4. That's one cool looking mushroom! :D Did you eat it yet? lol.

    I tagged you in a post.

    1. The mushroom is eaten and gone. I will try and follow up on what's going on with the tag stuff ..... As I remember it involves chasing people and saying YAH BOO SUCKS IB DIB YOUR IT...

  5. The only mushrooms that grow in my garden are the un-edible kind!
    I tried to convince my dad to get solar panels fitted, but he was convinced it would ruin the aesthetic look of our house! Womp

    1. Our house looks rubbish but it is a WELL COOL house, so solar panels can only help aesthetics.
